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Los Angeles Denial Of Medical And Retirement Benefit Attorney

Los Angeles Denial Of Medical And Retirement Benefit Attorney

Employers who breached their duty to pay medical and retirement benefits owed under The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) can be held civilly liable. As ERISA mandates employee pension plans and benefits, a minimal standard of providing help when requested must be upheld. Retirees and current workers deprived of benefits sustain a financial injury, a foundational element necessary when suing the employer or benefits holder.

Featuring Los Angeles denial of medical and retirement benefits attorneys skilled in all facets of employment law, JML Law, APLC has recovered millions for retirees denied their pensions and workers denied medical benefits. Employees always have the right to review retirement plans anytime during their tenure to assure accuracy, although many trust the retirement system enough not to worry.

JML Law, APLC: A Firm With ERISA Experience

Companies make mistakes and calculations; no retirement system is flawless. However, calculating pension and medical benefits that unjustly enrich companies is an illegal action that should not be overlooked. Upon retiring or when medical benefits are needed, employees will undergo an application process that includes an administrative review. If you believe figures do not coincide with what you’re expecting, or your benefits are outright denied, an exhaustive appeals process will ensue.

At this point, you’ll entertain bringing aboard legal representation to assure the Plan Administrator is fairly adjudicating your appeal. JML Law, APLC, upholding the highest integrity of jurisprudence, can look over documentation before submitting your appeal, going as far as directly contacting the Plan Administrator or their legal counsel to ensure the initial decision is reversed and benefits are correctly paid. Any damages sustained by retirees or workers may require a separate action.

Illegally amending benefits without the prior consent of the employee is another actionable offense. This may happen if the company you work for merges and adopts, in whole or in part, the secondary company’s benefits schedule. Failing to uphold original benefit plans breaches the company’s fiduciary responsibility to the employee to whom they extended benefits.

We Tactfully Litigate For Your Benefit

Failing to consult an attorney with ERISA experience may limit your chances of successfully appealing the decision or make filing civil action extremely challenging, given the legal firepower companies send on their behalf. Leave nothing to chance and hire JML Law, APLC, a well-respected firm that goes after Fortune 500 companies and small businesses with focused litigation and 40 years of negotiation experience.

With the statute of limitations, long forms to fill out, and benefits coordinators protecting the company’s interests you gave a lifetime of effort to, active and retired employees feel helpless when denied the financial and medical benefits they were promised.

Dedicated to the tactful litigation of your medical and pension benefits, JML Law, APLC provides unfairly treated employees a firm with Los Angeles denial of medical and retirement benefits attorneys ready to handle the most complex cases imaginable.

If you’re within days of retiring or have retired and need pension and medical benefits started promptly, our firm awaits your call.

Get your questions answered.

Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you are faced with a Los Angeles denial of medical and retirement benefits,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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