

Los Angeles Gender Discrimination Attorney

Los Angeles Gender Discrimination Attorney

Gender inequalities have long been a problem in America’s workplace. Roughly 42% of women, at some point during their careers, have faced gender discrimination in its many forms. Antidiscrimination laws, theoretically, shatter the unwritten “glass ceiling policy” where men are given advancement opportunities instead of more qualified women. Unfortunately, workplaces in California are mired in discrimination battles even as we speak.

JML Law, APLC, deeply experienced in litigating employment discrimination, offers victims of gender inequality competent representation from an experienced Los Angeles gender discrimination attorney. The firm has taken on well-funded corporations, government agencies, and medium-sized businesses that display a bias toward one gender. Our strength is in settlement negotiation, although we prepare all cases for a jury trial should discussions break down.

Californian’s Right To Discrimination-Free Work

Pay gaps and promotion opportunities are the two hardest-hit areas in corporations where gender discrimination is the underlying issue. While 25% of professional women report earning less than their male counterparts for identical work, only 5% of males say the same. Most of the women referenced above have bachelor’s degrees or higher.

As one of Los Angeles’s preeminent employment law firms, JML Law, APLC has spent four decades defending worker’s rights in many suits, with a good share of those gender discrimination-related. Men who receive preferential treatment at the workplace, including more attractive benefits packages and extended time off work, while women fight to get even the slightest pay increase, is one instance where employers are liable civilly for gender bias.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which you’ll find referenced often on our site, protects women and men from being downplayed or discriminated against when applying for work, requesting FMLA time away from work, or advancing within the company. Furthermore, Executive Order 11246 prohibits companies with federal contracts over $10,000 from discriminating against anyone based on sex. Current employees and applicants are covered under these laws, provided the workplace has over 15 employees.

As a Californian, you’re afforded the right to work at a discrimination-free workplace. Those employees who feel they’ve got a substantial case of gender discrimination should contact an esteemed Los Angeles gender discrimination attorney at JML Law, APLC immediately. This includes employers with affirmative-action plans that violate them concurrently with EEOC statutes.

How Does Gender Discrimination Show Up In Los Angeles

Gender discrimination is often difficult to pinpoint in the workplace, and this type of discrimination can rear its ugly head in various ways. Some of the most common ways that we see gender discrimination appear when we conduct our investigations include the following:

  1. Unequal pay: Did you know that women make only $0.80 on the dollar compared to their male counterparts in the same job? This is most certainly discrimination. The numbers look far worse for women of color in the workplace.
  2. Pregnancy discrimination:  State and federal laws protect women regarding their pregnancy status, particularly concerning workplace accommodations and medical leave after birth.
  3. Harassment: No person should ever have to worry about facing harassment in the workplace due to their gender, gender identity, or gender expression. This type of harassment is illegal.
  4. Promotions and job positions: Most people have heard of the term “glass ceiling,” which is one way gender discrimination appears in the workplace. Women have historically watched their male counterparts secure better jobs and promotions in the workplace, even if they have the qualifications necessary for a promotion.
  5. Retaliation:  Employees should never worry about workplace retaliation caused by their biological gender or gender identity. Retaliation can appear in many ways, including pay cuts, disciplinary actions, demotion, or even termination.

Types Of Compensation Available To Gender Discrimination Victims

Various types of compensation may be available to victims of gender discrimination in Los Angeles. At JML Law, APLC, we understand that no two cases are exactly alike, and there is no way to pinpoint the total amount of compensation a person may be owed in these situations. However, our team is regularly able to help clients recover the following types of compensation in these situations:

  1. Complete recovery of any lost wages caused by the discrimination.
  2. Any interest on unpaid wages.
  3. Reinstatement to a job or position, if necessary and desired.
  4. Court costs and legal fees.
  5. Pain and suffering damages.

Gender discrimination victims in Los Angeles have been through enough. While no amount of compensation will take away the fact that the discrimination occurred, this compensation can help the victim take a step towards becoming “whole” and having some closure for the situation.

Timeline To File A Gender Discrimination Claim In Los Angeles

As with most other types of lawsuits, there are various deadlines that victims of gender discrimination must be aware of when filing these claims. In California, most claimants will pursue relief under federal well in these situations. However, it is essential to point out that a victim of gender discrimination needs to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) within 300 days from the date of the last alleged unlawful act of discrimination in the workplace. After a claim has been filed with the EEOC, the claimant can request a “Right-to-Sue” letter. If a claimant receives this letter, they will have 90 days to file a lawsuit against the employer in federal court.

JML Law, APLC Represents Victims Of Sexism

Women who are discriminated against ‘because females should wear pants at work’ and are denied promotion or pay increase, as a result, are also victims of sexism. The landmark Price Waterhouse case tried in the US Supreme Court set the precedent that women forced to conform to a certain dress type to advance or receive pay increases are indeed victims of gender discrimination.

Nondiscriminatory practices in hiring, advancing, and increasing the pay of employees are the only practices permitted by California and federal law. Statutory, punitive, and noneconomic awards are common in cases where women or men are mistreated because of gender.

Victims of gender partiality should contact a Los Angeles gender discrimination attorney at JML Law, APLC today.

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Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you've experienced discrimination based on your gender,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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