

Los Angeles Religious Discrimination Attorney

Los Angeles Religious Discrimination Attorney

California and Federal laws prohibit employers from religiously discriminating against their current or potential employees. For example, failing to hire someone due to their agnostic beliefs could be grounds for civil action. This protection of employee religious rights may not have been possible if The Civil Rights Act never materialized in 1964.

Founded by pilgrims fleeing religious oppression, the United States welcomes and encourages numerous religious ideologies. JML Law, APLC advocates freedom of religious choice and defends California’s growing employee base from employers segregating them due to how, when, and why they practice religion. Spending over 40 years as a pro-choice Los Angeles religious discrimination attorney affords our firm many resources to defend employees’ rights to practice religion.

Four Ways Employers Religiously Oppress Employees

Although many manifestations of religious discrimination exist, four essential methods far exceed most others regarding claims brought to JML Law, APLC. They are:

  1. Religious harassment. According to the FBI, 70.1% of religiously charged hate crimes are directed towards Jewish persons. It’s illegal for anyone within one’s workplace to verbally or physically harass individuals who practice their choice of religion. Harassment includes burning Bibles or Korans, calling individuals antireligious names, or stealing religious items.
  2. Discrimination. Purposely aggrieving employees by discriminating against their chosen deity, segregating one employee who practices differently than others, and failing to offer advancement or extending employment based on religion practiced by someone is illegal and protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
  3. Failing to accommodate. Provided religious activities aren’t disruptive to productivity, employers must make reasonable accommodations as requested by employees. This may include shifting lunch schedules so employees can attend midday mass, permitting facial hair required by religion, or allowing employees to display religious items.
  4. Imposition of views. Employers cannot force changes to an employee’s religious choice to better suit their needs. As such, companies cannot fire employees who fail to convert religions or move individuals to attend services indicative of their views without regard to the employee’s position.

JML Law, APLC, litigates claims brought under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act by employees of public companies. Private employers are afforded different religious freedoms and may be subject to various regulations; bring us your claim, and we’ll discuss options based on your situation.

Been Religiously Discriminated Against Call JML Law, APLC

Did an employer tell you God is dead, and you’ll be fired for believing otherwise? Are executives trying to impose Catholic mass onto employees who are Buddhist? One should never substitute wages for misery, although far too often, workers feel obligated to work through undue hardship stemming from religious hatred at work.

With JML Law, APLC, in your corner, you get an understanding of Los Angeles religious discrimination attorneys experienced in holding employers responsible for persecuting workers like you. Those who’ve been denied employment or raises have been harassed or discriminated against because of their choice of religion are encouraged to contact JML Law, APLC. Your claim will be kept confidential until action is brought against the employer.

Get your questions answered.

Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you have faced religious discrimination in Los Angeles,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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