

Anaheim Assault Injury Attorney

Anaheim Assault Injury Attorney

It’s estimated that Californians have a 1 in 235 chance of being assaulted without notice at any time. If you know 235 people, one of them has been assaulted at some point. This could be from being bludgeoned by an object, hit with a closed or open hand, or by sexual means. Criminally speaking, being charged for these crimes is imminent; civil procedures may happen, too, and JML Law, APLC assists assault victims by helping sue those negligent persons.

Our Anaheim assault injury attorney knows what’s necessary to bring cases to court and win compensation for victims needlessly battered, regardless of where it transpired. Once you’ve retained our services, you’ll be pleased with the results we provide you.

Assaults Happen Everywhere People Exist

99,349 assaults happened across California in 2016. This is 12.5% of the United States total during the same span. This equals 2.54 per 1000 residents, which doesn’t seem bad until you consider California has over 39 million residents. These are just physical attacks; courts have held that verbal attacks, including vocalizing one’s intent to harm, constitute verbal assault, which can carry civil and criminal implications.

Because civil juries need only an overwhelming amount of evidence to prove negligence, the level of proof required is much lower. For this reason, many assault claims brought to JML Law, APLC, get settled outside of court because jury awards can be much higher. In the case where an assault took place at work, we’ll hold the company responsible for failing to safeguard an employee or concealing the battering of their employee.

We’ll take a much different approach with schools and other community organizations, given the serious consequences these organizations may face if convicted in court. This includes cruel and unusual punishment by principals, being assaulted by people in power, battering minors at daycare facilities, or assaulting parishioners while attending church.

Regardless of where assaults happen, our Anaheim assault injury attorney knows time is critical in bringing people to justice civilly. Our work will never cease until you’ve been made whole financially for the physical and emotional trauma caused by this incident.

JML Law, APLC: Advocates For Assault Victims

Men and women assaulted for reasons unknown may feel apprehensive about trusting anyone. Fear, resentment, and thoughts of retaliation are normal. Our firm has earned the trust of thousands of clients over the years by making legal representation more personable. This level of one-on-one advocacy removes tension often felt when visiting attorney offices and helps build rapport with those feeling uneasy.

We’ve worked hard to bring assaulters to justice by fighting for compensation. As the horrifying incident can’t undo itself, proving financial benefits to those victimized physically and emotionally may ease burdens experienced in other areas of life.

Don’t fear speaking out. Hire an Anaheim assault injury attorney who cares about your well-being and wants to get you compensated for injuries that weren’t avoidable despite your best efforts. Our consultation is free, and peace of mind knowing our firm cares about your situation will hopefully put your mind at ease.

Get your questions answered.

Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you've sustained an injury due to assault,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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