

Anaheim Burn Injury Attorney

Anaheim Burn Injury Attorney

More than 1.1 million people in the US experience burn injuries each year, according to the American Burn Association. A large number of these—approximately 45,000—are burned badly enough to require in-patient medical care for their burn injuries, with many burn victims succumbing to their injuries. While some burns may be true accidents that cannot be blamed on anyone, the truth is that many burn injuries are the result of negligent and reckless or even intentional behavior by someone else. Work-related burns, auto accidents, fires, and dangerous products are just a few of the possible causes of devastating burn injuries. If you are a burn injury victim, then you owe it to yourself and your family to hold the responsible party accountable. An Anaheim burn injury attorney can help you weigh your legal options.

Burn Injuries And Your Finances

Injuries from a burn are obviously painful, but serious burns present other complications beyond pain. Infections from burns can become quite serious, involving the whole body; in fact, up to 10,000 people each year die from burn-related infections in the United States. Lungs are often damaged during burn injuries, either as a direct result of the fire, by breathing in caustic chemicals, or even from inhaling smoke. For the victim, the road to recovery can be long and extremely grueling. Multiple surgeries, including skin grafts and corrective cosmetic procedures, and ongoing medical treatment and therapy, lead to exorbitant medical bills that most victims don’t have within their budgets. For this reason, filing a claim as soon as possible is a smart move to help set your finances back in order and let you focus on healing.

Damages In Burn Injury Claims

Your burn injury claim seeks to recoup the losses you have related to your burn injury. This typically includes medical bills, future medical care costs, and lost wages. You may also seek out non-monetary compensation for psychological and emotional damage, such as pain and suffering.

With time and appropriate treatment, many burn injuries heal, and the victim returns to life as normal. Others are left with lifelong scarring and disfigurement that is not correctable. And others still find themselves burdened with permanent impairments and disabilities that affect their lives in profound ways. Suppose you are left with a disability as a result of your injury. In that case, you may be entitled to enhanced compensation, including damages for diminished capacity to earn a living, loss of consortium and community, and other awards.

The hurdles on the road to recovery for burn accident victims are many, but the right Anaheim burn injury attorney in your corner can help lighten your load. Contact JML Law, APLC, immediately to set up a free consultation to discuss your case. Our attorney can help identify potential litigants—whether that’s your employer, the manufacturer of a faulty product, or some other party—and determine your best course of action moving forward with your burn injury claim.

Get your questions answered.

Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you have been injured in a burn injury,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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