

Anaheim Torn Rotator Cuff Attorney

Anaheim Torn Rotator Cuff Attorney

No one expects a torn rotator cuff. This kind of injury is unexpected and can be quite a process to recover from. If you are experiencing a torn rotator cuff injury from work, you must tell your employer immediately and start a claim. Because this kind of injury does not get better over time, it is important to document when the pain starts and how it started. Many people consider those with this injury as someone who works in construction or a heavy lifting job. However, that is not always the truth.

A torn rotator cuff can come from jobs that require you to do repetitive movements. Jobs in health care like sonographers. They constantly have to move in a steady circular motion, which can start to affect and tear your rotator cuff. Other jobs at risk for torn rotator cuffs are mechanics, cashiers, clothing and retail workers, service industry workers, and those in the food industry. The commonality between all these jobs is repetitive movement and being required to lift your arms up or circularly stretch your arms.

For example, as a child, you may have enjoyed swinging your arms forward like a windmill. This activity came easily, but imagine having to do that every day for long hours. A diagnosis of a torn rotator cuff comes after asking you to place your arm and shoulder in different to test the mobility. Then, you may have to undergo an X-ray, ultrasound, or MRI. This will help the doctor locate precisely what is happening within your shoulder and create a plan that will work better for you. Because this kind of injury does not get by itself, you must follow the doctor’s orders.

The treatment for this kind of injury can take the forms of physical therapy, cortisone shots, or surgery. Depending on the severity of your situation, you may need a mixture of the three. If you find yourself looking at the surgery, you can guarantee that the healing time will take up to a year. The recovery time is lengthy, which means that you will lose wages and may be subject to the run around by insurance companies. Your need for recovery should not be inconvenient for insurance companies to give you the compensation you deserve.

If you or a loved one is suffering from a torn rotator cuff and have filed, are filing, or completed the filing process for compensation, please know that our attorneys at JML Law, a Professional Law Corporation, can help you. We know that claims are tedious and time-consuming. We also know that things can get complicated. If you need aggressive representation or don’t think that your current legal representation is working for your best interest, then call 818-610-8800 or click here to start a conversation with our team today.

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Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you’ve suffered a torn rotator cuff due to workplace,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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