

Anaheim Truck Accident Attorney

Anaheim Truck Accident Attorney

Simple calculations show an 18-wheeler totaling 80,000 pounds moving 60 mph produces 440,000 pounds of force. Putting that in perspective, a 3,010-pound Prius hauling 290 pounds total produces 18,150 pounds of force. Knowing it takes only 25 pounds of force to break the smallest human bone, you now have an awful mental picture of how bad truck accidents can be. JML Law, APLC knows that we defend victims.

Truck accidents have far greater impacts than colliding with regular passenger cars. Not because physics proves greater weight means greater force, but because numerous victims we’ve represented received justice posthumous. Because our Anaheim truck accident attorney represents surviving families, fighting trucking companies and their insurers is often the only method we’re able to honor decedents properly.

We’re Hired Because We Get Results

Many are aware of how personal injury law works prior to retaining us. If not, here’s a quick primer on what JML Law, APLC does in incidents where truck drivers negligently acted:

  1. The injured person, already having completed their police report and being medically evaluated, will retain our firm. If victims cannot represent themselves or have passed, we’ll gladly work with loved ones such as spouses, parents, and grown children.
  2. Once retained, we’ll begin digging for information, including whatever footage is available onboard trucks, from streets, and cell phones. We’ll uncover the truth of drivers’ conditions if they’ve logged more than legally allowed driving time, and so forth.
  3. Our Anaheim truck accident lawyer will review every detail to plan their approach. Different cases merit different litigation methods. Some merit direct filing in court.
  4. Finally, once we’ve planned our strategy, we’ll go after insurers, trucking companies, or anyone involved who caused this horrifying incident. The exact outcome depends on whether victims are alive and injured, paralyzed, or deceased.

Preservation of evidence is important in proving your case. As we’re no strangers to personal injury law, our team works hard to ensure nothing is tampered with, including insurance paperwork and the trucking company’s driver logs.

Experience Helps JML Law, APLC Win Truck Cases

Victim or survivor, you’re devastated. Someone’s lapse in judgment changed your life forever. Now, it’s time someone paid for what cannot be undone because you’ll endure years of healing, financial strains, and perhaps loss of intimacy with your spouse. Judges and juries who could potentially hear your case will consider these and other factors.

Lean on an Anaheim truck accident attorney when only skilled representation will bring you closure. Trust is the name many clients turn to when feelings of despair settle in, with only an insurance adjuster down their throats as they grieve for loved ones. We’re accurate and caring and don’t settle for whatever trucking companies and their insurers ‘perceive’ your case is worth. Settlements will happen on terms appropriate for you.

Did you lose your loved one because of negligent truck driving? Are you seriously injured because truck driver road rage forced you into an embankment? Contact JML Law, APLC today, and we’ll discuss your case free of charge or obligation.

Get your questions answered.

Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you have been injured in a truck accident,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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