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Corona Back and Neck Injury Attorney

Corona Back and Neck Injury Attorney

Just about every move we make with our bodies involves the back and neck. Injuring those areas can have serious and long-lasting consequences for our personal and work lives. If you suffer an injury in the workplace, you should be able to count on compensation to help with expenses. However, the team at JML Law, APLC is ready to step in when you need a Corona back & neck injury attorney. We will work to investigate your injury so we can secure the compensation you deserve.

What are the most common neck and back injuries in the workplace

During a recent year of data available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), we know that there was a total of 16,060 neck injuries and 200,250 back injuries that led to employees having to miss days of work.

Our backs and necks both create an amazing system that allows our bodies to function. They are the command and control stations. Nearly every move we make involves the neck or back, which is why it can be catastrophic when either of them sustains an injury.

Our necks are the starting point of our spinal column and spinal cord. They are also home to tendons, muscles, and tissues that, when damaged, can lead to debilitating pain and disability. A damaged neck can even lead to paralysis.

Our backs are incredibly complex and are made up of bones, vertebrae, muscles, and tendons. Moving our legs, arms, and core all involve our back in some way. Back injuries can lead to anything from minor pain and discomfort to paralysis.

Our Corona back & neck injury lawyers commonly see the following injuries:

  1. Muscle or ligament strains
  2. Bulging or ruptured discs
  3. Injuries to the spinal cord
  4. Arthritis
  5. Osteoporosis
  6. Herniated discs

How do workplace neck & back injuries occur

Some of the most common causes of workplace neck & back injuries include:

  1. Workplace motor vehicle accidents
  2. Heavy machinery incidents
  3. Crush injuries due to heavy objects falling
  4. Slips, trips, and falls (from the same level or to separate levels)

Is there compensation available for these injuries

If you or a loved one has sustained a back or neck injury in the workplace, you should be receiving compensation to cover your medical expenses and lost income. At JML Law, APLC, you can count on us to be by your side, fighting to ensure you are being treated fairly. Let our qualified and experienced team get to work investigating what happened so we can secure coverage for the following:

  1. Your medical expenses related to the incident
  2. Lost wages if you are unable to work due to your injury
  3. Pain and suffering damages
  4. Loss of personal enjoyment damages

We will even pursue possible punitive damages if your employer or a third party was grossly negligent in this case. When you need a Corona back & neck injury lawyer, you can contact us by clicking here or calling us at 818-610-8800 for a free consultation today.

Get your questions answered.

Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. For every back and neck injury sustained in a workplace accident,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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