

Downey Back & Neck Injury Attorney

Downey Back & Neck Injury Attorney

Back and neck injuries are often devastating because they affect just about every move we make. They can make even simple moves like reaching for a drink on the table painful. If you injure your back or neck at work, you should not have to worry about getting compensation for your injury – that is a given. At least it should be.

At JML Law, APLC, we are ready to step in with our Downey back & neck injury attorneys. Let us get to work so we can secure the compensation you deserve. We understand that there were around 2.8 million total workplace injuries or illnesses reported to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the latest reporting year. Many of those were neck and back injuries.

What are the various types of neck and back injuries

Our neck and back make up one extensive and delicate system. When something goes wrong with the following, we can experience a range of debilitating symptoms:

  • Neck Injuries – Our necks are the starting point of our spinal column and spinal cord. Any blow to the head or neck can damage the spinal cord. We also need to understand that there are muscles, tendons, and tissues around our necks. Damage to any of those can cause problems with mobility.
  • Back Injuries – Our backs are a complex combination of bones, muscles, and tissues. Just about any movement we make involves our back, so when something gets injured, it can impact our ability to perform simple tasks. Back injuries can occur in a variety of ways in the workplace, including:
    1. muscle or ligament strains
    2. bulging or ruptured discs
    3. injuries to the spinal cord
    4. arthritis
    5. osteoporosis
    6. herniated discs

What are some of the consequences of these injuries

The consequences of a neck or back injury will vary depending on the severity. For many back injuries, there is only short-term pain that results in some missed workdays. However, many back injuries are severe. If they cause partial or complete paralysis, they will affect a victim’s entire life. The first-year cost for some spinal cord injuries can reach over $1 million. In many cases, back injury victims need ongoing care for the rest of their lives.

Will my attorney be able to secure compensation for my injuries

If you or someone you care about suffered a workplace back or neck injury and are struggling to get the compensation you deserve, please seek legal assistance now. At JML Law, APLC, we are ready to get to work on your behalf. Our knowledgeable and experienced team will investigate what happened so we can secure the compensation you deserve, including:

  1. Coverage for your medical expenses (current and future)
  2. Lost wages and benefits if you cannot
  3. Possible physical therapy expenses
  4. Pain and suffering damages
  5. Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  6. Possible punitive damages against a negligent party

When you need a Downey back & neck injury lawyer, you can contact us by clicking here or calling us at 818-610-8800 for a free consultation today.

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give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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