

Downey Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Downey Workers’ Compensation Attorney

When you get injured at work, you should be able to count on receiving workers’ compensation insurance to help with expenses. Unfortunately, there are times when a claim is denied or you are not offered enough to cover all of your injury costs. At JML Law, APLC, we are ready to help when you need a Downey workers’ compensation lawyer. Let us get to work on investigating your case today so we can secure the compensation you deserve.

What are the most common workplace injuries

Workplace injuries happen every day in California and the United States. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were around 2.8 million workplace injuries or illnesses during the latest reporting year. It is important to note that most workplace injuries are not severe and result in only minor medical expenses and a few days off from work. However, the following injuries can lead to major medical expenses:

  1. Spinal Cord Injuries
  2. Traumatic Brain Injuries
  3. Broken or Dislocated Bones
  4. Severe lacerations or amputations
  5. Hearing and Vision Loss
  6. Respiratory Problems or other chronic illnesses
  7. Cancers
  8. Repetitive stress injuries

Those injuries often lead to massive medical bills and long-term disabilities. Many of the injuries and illnesses that are caused by the workplace are considered cumulative injuries – they happen over long periods of time due to repetitive motions or exposure to chemicals or toxins.

How long do I have to file my workers’ comp claim

We want to stress the importance of seeking medical attention and reporting an injury as soon as it happens to get your claim going. You generally have 30 days from the time an incident happens to report an injury. For injuries that are cumulative and occur over time, you should report them as soon as you are aware or diagnosed.

Can I be denied a workers’ comp claim

Your Downey workers’ compensation lawyer will tell you that most work injury claims are considered “no-fault.” This means that you should receive coverage regardless of who was at fault in the incident. You may, however, be denied if:

  1. The injury did not happen while you were performing work duties.
  2. Your grossly negligent actions caused the injury (impairment, horseplay, etc.).
  3. You did not seek medical attention for your injury or disregarded the doctor’s orders.

What can an attorney do to help

When you or someone you love has been injured at work, you should always receive compensation for your injuries. If you are having trouble with your workers’ comp claim or have been flat-out denied coverage, seek legal assistance immediately. At JML Law, APLC, we have the experience you need to get you through this. Our knowledgeable and experienced team will investigate all aspects of your case so we can secure the following:

  1. Coverage of medical expenses
  2. Recovery of lost wages if you are unable to work
  3. Coverage of physical therapy
  4. Pain and suffering damages
  5. Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  6. Possible punitive damages against the negligent party

When you need a Downey workers’ compensation attorney, you can contact us by clicking here or calling us at 818-610-8800 for a free consultation today.

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give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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