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Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse Attorney

Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse Attorney

Nursing home residents and vulnerable elderly adults are at risk of various types of abuse, including financial abuse. Nursing home operators and staff members have extensive access to the personal and financial information of those under their care. Additionally, in-home caregivers and family members can also perpetrate financial fraud. At JML Law, APLC, we are here to help if you need a Los Angeles elder abuse attorney. If you believe that your loved one has been financially abused in a nursing home or other setting, let us investigate the incident so we can secure the compensation you and your loved one are entitled to.

What Does Elder Financial Abuse Look Like

The financial abuse of the elderly is incredibly common but also hard to detect. As a person age, it is not uncommon for them to allow somebody else to handle their finances for them. It may be necessary for somebody else to handle an elderly person’s finances, particularly when the elderly person experiences a decrease in their mental faculties.

Unfortunately, elder financial abuse happens in a variety of ways. This type of abuse can occur in a nursing home setting or an in-home care setting. Caregivers, whether nursing home employees, in-home care staff, or family members, typically have significant access to a person’s financial and personal information. This can lead to a variety of types of fraud.

At JML Law, APLC, our Los Angeles elder abuse attorneys have helped clients and family members who have experienced the following types of elder financial abuse:

  1. Cashing a person’s check without permission (Social Security, disability, pensions, etc.)
  2. Forging an elderly person’s signature.
  3. Misusing or stealing an elderly person’s money or possessions.
  4. Coercing an elderly person into signing a financial document (such as a will, power of attorney, etc.)

Financial elder abuse is more common than most people realize. According to the National Council on Aging, elder financial abuse and fraud cost citizens of this country anywhere from $2.9 billion to $36.5 billion each year. Like other forms of elder abuse, financial elder abuse is vastly underreported.

If you suspect that another individual is financially abusing your elderly loved one, you may need to take your case to law enforcement immediately. It does not take long to deplete an elderly person of their financial resources completely, and this can be devastating as a person approaches the end of their life.

Let Our Elder Abuse Lawyers Help You Get Through This Today

If you think that your elderly loved one has suffered from financial abuse in Los Angeles, contact an attorney today. At JML Law, APLC, we will work to investigate every aspect of your case to uncover any instances of financial abuse or fraud against your loved one. Our goal is to secure compensation for what happened, which could include:

  1. Reimbursement for all stolen assets.
  2. Costs to relocate to a new facility.
  3. Pain and suffering damages.
  4. Possible punitive damages against the perpetrators of the abuse.

If you need a Los Angeles financial elder abuse attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling us at 818-610-8800.

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Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you or a senior loved one has suffered from financial exploitation,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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