

Garden Grove Back and Neck Injury Attorney

Garden Grove Back and Neck Injury Attorney

Injuries to the back and neck can change everything about how we go about our daily lives. A workplace back or neck injury affects not only our work life but also our ability to perform household tasks. At JML Law, APLC, we are ready to help when you need a back & neck injury lawyer. Let our qualified and experienced team investigate what happened to you so we can secure full compensation for all of your injury-related expenses.

What injuries can happen to the neck and back in the workplace

Our necks and backs are both one extensive and effective system. However, they work together, and an injury to one often affects the other. The back and neck are also the control centers of our bodies, so when something goes wrong, our mobility is severely impacted.

The neck is the starting point for both our spinal column and spinal cord. An injury to the neck can severely damage the spinal cord and even cause paralysis. Also present in the neck are various tendons, muscles, and tissues that can be damaged.

The back is made up of bones, vertebrae, muscles, and tendons. Almost every move we make involves our backs. Moving our core, arms, and legs would not be possible without the complex system that composes our backs. We can injure our backs in a variety of ways. Some of the most common types of injuries our Garden Grove back & neck injury lawyers see include the following:

  1. arthritis
  2. osteoporosis
  3. herniated discs
  4. muscle or ligament strains
  5. bulging or ruptured discs
  6. injuries to the spinal cord

Some of the most common ways these injuries occur include slips, trips, and falls, as well as heavy equipment malfunction in the workplace. Back and neck injuries have the ability to partially or completely disable a worker, making it impossible for them to earn an income or enjoy their daily life activities.

  1. The cost of first-year care for a spinal cord injury can be more than $1 million.

Is there compensation available for these injuries

If you or a loved one has suffered from a back or neck injury in the workplace, you should be entitled to compensation benefits. However, if you are struggling to get the coverage you need, you can count on the knowledgeable and experienced team at JML Law, APLC, to help. We will get to the bottom of what happened to you in order to secure the following:

  1. Coverage for your medical expenses
  2. Cost of future medical care
  3. Lost wages and benefits if you are unable to work
  4. Physical therapy expenses
  5. Pain and suffering damages
  6. Loss of enjoyment of life damages

If your injury was caused by your employer’s negligence or the recklessness of a third-party, we will seek possible punitive damages as well. When you need a Garden Grove back & neck injury attorney, you can contact us by clicking here or calling us at 818-610-8800 for a free consultation today.

Get your questions answered.

Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you've sustained a back or neck injury in a workplace accident,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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