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Long Beach Birth Injury Attorney

Long Beach Birth Injury Attorney

If you are a mother who suffered an injury during your pregnancy or you believe your child has been harmed during birth, call the Long Beach birth injury attorneys at JML Law, APLC. We have provided attentive and personalized legal representation to families in Long Beach for many years. We have a personal approach that appeals to clients and have been successful in recovering compensation for injury victims just like you. We may be able to help you and your family.

To receive a free case evaluation with California birth injury lawyers who are prepared to help you fight for compensation and justice, call JML Law, APLC at 818-610-8800.

Nothing is more difficult than knowing your child suffered or continuously suffers due to medical malpractice or the irresponsible and negligent behavior of an obstetrician or other medical provider, and not knowing why your child is suffering is just as hard. The Long Beach birth injury attorneys at JML Law, APLC will conduct a thorough examination of your case’s details to find the answers you need. If you and your family received substandard medical care, you may qualify for financial compensation. Your allies at JML Law will give you access to medical experts for adequate treatment and recovery.

Birth injuries often lead to a lifetime of convalescent care and major medical costs. By contacting an attorney as soon as possible, you can quickly discover whether your case has merit. JML Law gives you access to leading medical experts, extensive experience, and a long history of success. We will review your child’s medical records to determine the cause of their injury. If we find proof of negligence, our lawyers will help you seek the justice and compensation you deserve. Our legal team has vital resources and extensive experience with birth injuries.

In addition to the legal issues surrounding infant birth injuries, JML Law, APLC also represents mothers who suffer due to OBGYN medical malpractice. You deserve the truth about the cause of any injury to the mother or child that occurs during birth, the prenatal period, or the neonatal period. To speak with one of our attorneys, call our Long Beach office. We represent clients in many areas of California.

We Have Represented Thousands of California Birth Injury Victims

Every case is different, so a history of success is imperative. JML Law has the experience to effectively wield strategies that have worked in the past but also has the ability to adapt to your unique circumstances. No matter the details of your case, we will investigate and relentlessly fight for justice on your behalf. Some of our past cases involve:

  1. Lung problems, brain bleeds, or bowel infection (necrotizing enterocolitis)
  2. Spinal cord injuries
  3. Paralysis
  4. Cerebral palsy caused by the hospital or medical mistakes
  5. Brain injuries caused by a lack of oxygen (brain hypoxia)
  6. C-section delays
  7. Diagnosis delays for fetal distress
  8. Brain damage, a ruptured uterus, or death due to vaginal birth after a C-section
  9. Birth trauma caused by improper use of suction or forceps

Sadly, trauma during labor and delivery is all too common. Medical staff and doctors should be prepared for any and all possibilities. If they aren’t, tragedy may strike. The lawyers at JML Law, APLC have represented thousands of birth injury clients in California. We take pride in helping families recover fair compensation for their suffering. We may be able to provide assistance when no one else is willing to help. Contact us at 818-610-8800 today for a free case evaluation.

Get your questions answered.

Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If your baby has been injured in a birth injury,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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