There are millions of defective products being sold to the public every day. Although these products have safety requirements that should be followed by the companies manufacturing them, this is not always the case. These dangerous items find their way into the hands of shoppers that may not suspect there is a design or manufacturing error. Whatever the reason might be, someone should be held responsible for all the damages these products are causing. If you or a loved one has experienced this scenario, you should seek immediate legal representation from an experienced Long Beach product liability attorney who will face corporations as well as insurance companies for you.
JML Law, APLC has experience with product liability claims involving:
- Defective toys
- Medical device defects
- Defective saws
- Vehicle recalls and defects
- Industrial machinery and heavy equipment
- Defective breast implants
- Wrongful death
Who is held liable
Parties responsible for the design and manufacturing of the product as well as other parties may be held liable in product liability cases. The manufacturer, for example, will be held liable if the product user sustained injuries caused by manufacturing errors. Products have to be tested and approved before being sold to the public. Companies that don’t make their products safe and injure the consumer will be responsible for the resulting damages.
Recovering compensation
When consumers purchase products, they place their trust in the manufacturing company. The product is categorized as safe and useful therefore the user will not expect any complications to arise along the way. However, this may not be the case for all products. There are unsafe and dangerous products out there causing harm to users. Long Beach product liability attorneys offer full representation for a variety of defective product cases. Some of the most common types of compensation you may receive include:
- Current and future medical expenses.
- Current and future lost income.
- Pain and suffering
JML Law, APLC will make sure your case is thoroughly investigated and the liable party is determined. No matter what type of accident or the injuries involved, our attorneys will determine the laws associated with your product liability case and ensure you receive the compensation that is rightfully yours.
We can protect you
At JML Law, APLC we have over three decades of experience pursuing compensation on behalf of the victims of defective products. We understand you deserve compensation for all the damages caused by these dangerous products. Pursuing legal compensation can be a tiresome process, which is why is essential to have a Long Beach defective product attorney by your side.
Our firm not only helps you as a victim to receive compensation for your injuries but will also make sure manufacturers make their products safe for future clients. This is why it’s important filing a product liability claim. You will not only help yourself but also help others avoid the same type of situation in the future. Injuries caused by a product defect can be prevented as they were caused by negligence. Contact us today and schedule your initial case evaluation.
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Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you have been injured in a product liability,