

Oakland Workplace Injury Attorney

Oakland Workplace Injury Attorney

Oakland Workplace Injury Attorney

Depending on the type of work you do, you might be at risk of sustaining on-the-job injuries one day. While this will hopefully never happen, it’s important to understand that in California, you have various means of potentially recovering compensation for such losses as your medical bills if you ever are harmed in a work-related accident.

You can typically seek compensation in these circumstances by filing a claim to recover compensation benefits. This is often an option regardless of whether someone’s negligence caused your accident. However, there may be other means of recovering compensation, such as civil lawsuits and state or federal programs.

Regardless of how you may pursue compensation after being injured at work, you must understand that seeking compensation is not the same as securing it. Your odds of collecting the compensation for which you may be eligible will typically be much greater if you have proper legal representation.

Have you been injured at work in California? If so, our team of Oakland workplace injury attorneys at JML Law, APLC is available to ensure your rights are protected. We will advise you on the proper means of compensation, conduct an investigation to show you are eligible for it, and negotiate with any parties that may be reluctant to offer the compensation you deserve.

Oakland Workplace Injury Attorneys Explain Common On-the-Job Injuries

The types of injuries a worker may sustain can vary substantially depending on the type of work they do. That said, there are certain workplace accidents and injuries that tend to be more common than others. They include the following:

  • Slip and falls: Slip and falls account for a relatively large percentage of workplace injuries because they can technically occur in virtually any workplace. While they may be more common in workplaces where employees tend to be on their feet throughout the day, there are very few workplaces where the possibility of being injured in a slip and fall accident is essentially non-existent.
  • Auto accidents: Many types of jobs require employees to drive as part of their work duties. Thus, automotive accidents also represent a large proportion of workplace injuries.
  • Overexertion: A job that requires someone to engage in physical labor, perhaps for relatively long periods of time, can cause them to overexert themselves, which may result in various injuries.
  • Falling objects: In fields such as construction, it’s not uncommon for workers to be injured when objects fall from heights and strike them.
  • Repetitive motion injuries: These types of injuries tend to develop over time as a result of repetitive motion putting excessive stress on certain areas of workers’ bodies.

That’s not an exhaustive list. If you’ve sustained any workplace injury, contact a professional to discuss your legal options.

Contact an Oakland Workplace Injury Attorney Today

You don’t have to absorb the cost of your medical bills and other such losses if you’ve been injured in the workplace in California. Get in touch with JML Law, APLC Oakland workplace injury attorneys to discuss how you may go about recovering compensation. Contact us online or call us at 818-610-8800 to get started.

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Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you have been injured in a workplace injury,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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