About 50,000 people each year in the United States experience a burn injury that’s significant enough to require admittance to a hospital, according to data from the National Institutes of Health. Of those, thousands will require skin graft surgeries, experience breathing difficulties due to lung damage, and even go into cardiac arrest due to their injuries. The road to recovery following a serious burn injury is a long one riddled with medical procedures and months or even years of physical therapy and rehabilitation. If you or a loved one has experienced a burn injury, a Riverside burn injury attorney can help you seek compensation from any negligent party that contributed to your injury.
Facing the pain of a burn injury is difficult enough. On top of the massive medical bills you’re receiving for your treatment, you’re probably left unable to work and may be wondering how you’ll keep your bills paid until you are made whole again. The goal of filing a burn accident claim is to set your finances straight so that you can focus on recuperation and putting your accident behind you. Your claim will likely focus on three different types of compensation, including:
- Economic damages: Medical expenses, the cost of future medical care, lost income and future lost income are all collectible under a burn injury claim.
- Non-economic compensation: In some instances, a serious burn injury claim can result in the award of non-economic damages for emotional turmoil and pain, and suffering.
- Punitive awards: When the defendant in a burn injury case is found to be especially reckless in causing the accident, then a court may see fit to award the litigant punitive damages. Punitive damages are the court’s way of punishing the person who caused the injury and discouraging the reckless act to recur in the future. As an example, the coffee that caused a scald burn for a customer of Mcdonald’s resulted in millions of dollars in punitive damages to the victim (and warning labels on the cups the restaurant now uses).
The injuries caused by a serious burn injury can extend far behind the skin. Many times the bones, blood vessels, nerves, and muscles are involved. Burns also lead to scars and permanent disfigurement, intense psychological damage, and emotional trauma. Because the skin is the body’s largest organ and provides a layer of protection to the body, a burn can lead to serious infections that affect the entire body. In addition, lung damage from inhaling smoke during a fire can cause serious complications for the burn accident victim.
The road to receiving compensation as a burn victim is not an easy one to tread. Big insurance companies always have lawyers working hard to negate the settlement payouts to injured victims. Working with an experienced and aggressive Riverside burn injury attorney at JML Law, APLC is a smart move that ensures your case is handled in the most expedited way possible so you can get on with your life post-injury. Reach out today to arrange your free consultation with our compassionate legal team.
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Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you have been injured in a burn injury,