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Riverside Disability Discrimination Attorney

Riverside Disability Discrimination Attorney

The 101st United States Congress, with the caring assistance of Pres. George H.W. Bush signed a legislature in 1990 with a strict prohibition of discriminatory acts against persons with disabilities. The Americans With Disabilities Act affords employees similar workplace protections as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, allowing those previously unemployable to secure gainful employment provided an employer offers reasonable accommodations to allow tasks to be completed.

JML Law, APLC, an aggressive Riverside disability discrimination attorney fighting for individuals wrongly terminated or otherwise chastise at their jobs because of prevailing disabilities, is a proven ally for those seeking compensation from employers who violate the ADA.

Originally introduced by Warren G Stambaugh during a Virginia legislative session, the ADA (42 U.S.C. § 12101) underwent a slight congressional change in 2008 to reiterate the definition of ‘disabilities’, while making slight changes to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Protects Disabled Persons Are Entitled To

Disabled persons employed in California are well-protected under the ADA. Employers considered ‘covered entities’ may not, at any time before or during employment, engage in acts that:

  1. Directly discriminating against persons with disabilities. The ADA considers an individual with a disability to have mental and physical impairments.
  2. Segregating employees to specific areas of a workplace simply because they’re disabled.
  3. Make performing job duties difficult, which includes failing to reasonably accommodate a disabled person attempting to perform a job duty.
  4. Threaten to terminate, or fail to hire, a person based solely on the fact they’re disabled.

Disabilities under the act include HIV, PTSD, intellectual disabilities, autism, missing limbs, and any other physical or mental disorder regulated by the EEOC. Excluded from the list of covered disabilities are exhibitionism, voyeurism, kleptomania, and pedophilia, which may be used to abuse ADA statutes.

Neither severity nor permanency is considerations when gauging disability.

Our Riverside Disability Discrimination Lawyer Knows the ADA

Although employers tend argue that the ADA increases employee costs, the ADA was designed to put people, regardless of disability, into the workforce. Numerous cases have been successfully litigated by JML Law, APLC where the definition of ‘disabled person’ came across as ambiguous, misunderstood or ignored by an employer.

If you’ve been harassed, terminated, or placed into a hostile work environment because of your disability, our attorney will fight to get you the compensation you may be entitled to for your pain, suffering, loss of wages, and loss of opportunity.

California is one of few states that allow private individuals to seek compensation from businesses that violate the ADA, meaning the state is more open to private action than states which limit litigation to workplace incidents. Our Riverside disability discrimination lawyer looks at all cases, concentrates on facts, and builds cases based on documented, provable incidents of discrimination. We suggest those intending to file suit keep their jobs, and document every episode where discrimination was audibly and/or visually obvious. The more you give our firm to work with, the better job we can do fighting your case.

JML Law, APLC understands ADA law, and will fight to get the compensation you deserve. If you’d like a free, no-obligation disability discrimination case evaluation, contact our law office today.

Get your questions answered.

Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you been harassed, terminated, or placed into a hostile work environment because of your disability,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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