

Riverside Knee, Ankle and Foot Injury Attorney

Riverside Knee, Ankle and Foot Injury Attorney

Going to work each day should come with the expectation that you will be taken care of if you get hurt. However, if you need a Riverside knee, ankle, and foot injury attorney, we are ready to help. The team at JML Law, APLC, is going to thoroughly investigate your case so we can get to the bottom of what happened. Our goal is to secure the compensation you deserve. Knee, ankle, and foot injuries can be devastating, so let us get to work now.

We know that work injuries are common in US workplaces. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) tells us that there were around 2.8 million workplace injuries or illnesses during the latest reporting year. However, how many of those involve the knee, ankle, or foot?

Using data from a recent BLS reporting year, we see that there were:

  1. 104,000 knee injuries
  2. 60,000 ankle injuries
  3. 52,000-foot injuries

What are the most common knee, ankle and foot injuries

These injuries happen in a variety of ways. Our Riverside knee, ankle and foot injury lawyers commonly see the following:

  1. Fractures
  2. Dislocations
  3. Nerve damage
  4. Muscle damage
  5. Achilles’ tendon injuries
  6. Cartilage damage
  7. Foot or ankle sprains
  8. ACL and MCL tears
  9. Kneecap injuries

Think about how many bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons make up our knees, ankles, and feet. These areas are complex. When something goes wrong with one part of our leg, the entire lower extremity will be affected.

What causes knee, ankle and foot injuries in the workplace

There are many ways workplace knee, ankle, and foot injuries occur. One of the most common causes of these injuries is falls, whether falling from the same level or from one level to the other. Other common causes of these injuries include:

  1. Vehicle accidents
  2. Overextension of the joints
  3. Crush injuries from getting pinned between heavy objects
  4. Heavy objects falling
  5. Repetitive motions of our knees, ankles, and feet

How will this injury affect me

Depending on the severity of the injury, you could miss significant time from work. If your injury required surgery or extended recovery time (which is often the case with these injuries), you could be facing long periods of no income. Knee, ankle, and foot injuries also decrease your ability to perform daily functions or enjoy your usual daily activities.

What should I expect for compensation

You should never have to fight to secure the compensation you deserve for a workplace injury. However, the team at JML Law, APLC, is ready to work on your behalf against employers or insurance companies. We understand that you need compensation for what has happened to you, including coverage for:

  1. Your medical expenses related to the incident
  2. Lost wages and benefits if you cannot work
  3. Pain and suffering damages
  4. Loss of personal enjoyment damages
  5. Possible punitive damages against those responsible

When you need a Riverside knee, ankle, and foot injury lawyer, you can contact us by clicking here or calling us at 818-610-8800 for a free consultation today.

Get your questions answered.

Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you’ve suffered knee, ankle, and foot injuries due to workplace accidents,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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