

Riverside Racial Discrimination Attorney

Riverside Racial Discrimination Attorney

Racially profiling someone at work isn’t just unethical, it’s illegal. Civil Rights Act sections specifically state that all people, regardless of race, creed, or color, are to be treated equally. An unfortunate reality of corporate environments is many people of color are mistreated mainly due to skin tone, although it lessens as time goes on.

JML Law, APLC, a veteran Riverside racial discrimination attorney firm dedicated to helping people fight racial bigotry at work, will review your case without cost or obligation. Because your time is valuable, we’ll often let you know same-day whether your case is strong enough to move forward with, or if additional facts may strengthen it.

Racial Bias Hurts Generations of Workers

Employers are liable for racially charged statements made by upper management. So, if your supervisor calls you any derogatory form of Indian, African American, or Chinese, they’re immediately culpable regardless if racial issues weren’t known by the employer.

So, how do racial discriminations ruin workplaces? Simply put, putting people down due to color or some other racial reason makes productivity difficult to uphold. Women or men who date another race may take offense, quit their jobs, and perhaps organize a strike. In short, racial discrimination affects everyone, not just the victim.

At work, employees may face several types of racial discrimination:

  1. Disparate impact, is when an employer enacts rules which seem race-neutral, but are heavily slanted in how they impact certain races.
  2. Disparate treatment, or the act of employers outright showing preferential treatment to workers of one race, while putting others down or denying opportunity.
  3. Racial harassment, generally includes jokes, memes, or similarly inappropriate gestures meant to put down one race or several groups of races.

Regardless of what you’ve endured, we’ll put a Riverside racial discrimination attorney in your corner to help ward off further bigotry, help take your claim into court and get the compensation owed to you.

JML Law, APLC Litigates for All Races

Being racially disfavored may depress workers who’ve put decades into the perfection of their jobs. Employers may act impervious to racial suits but make no mistake: employers are held to the highest possible labor standards in California. Race, color, even height and weight (in San Francisco) are protected classes of individuals.

We must prove your claim by:

  1. Proving the individual making a claim worked at the place where the discrimination occurred.
  2. During the time when racial statements were made, the employee was clocked in and working.
  3. Employer, in a similar context, never referred to people of his own race in disparaging ways.
  4. The actions of the employer have caused damages, both mentally and financially.
  5. A court has jurisdiction over the employer and can award damages in this manner.

Regardless of what color, creed, or race you come from, you are humans just like everyone else. Employers are bound by law to treat you equally. Punitive and financial damages are available in cases we bring to court.

JML Law, APLC is actively taking cases related to racial discrimination. For a complimentary case evaluation, contact our Riverside racial discrimination attorney today.

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Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you find yourself in the racial discrimination,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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