

Riverside Vision Loss Attorney

Riverside Vision Loss Attorney

Workers in many industries run the risk of vision loss. When that happens, they should be able to count on insurance to help them. However, these claims are often denied by the insurance company or a worker’s employer. At JML Law, APLC, we are ready to step in when you need a Riverside vision loss attorney. Our knowledgeable and experienced team will get to work investigating your injuries so we can secure the coverage you deserve.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics tells us that there were around 2.8 million workplace injuries or illnesses during the latest reporting year. While most workplace injuries are relatively minor, vision loss presents significant challenges for workers. These injuries often develop over long periods of time, and it can be harder to pinpoint them on workplace causes.

When employers do not properly train workers or fail to provide required safety equipment, they should be held accountable for any damages.

How long do I have to report workplace vision loss

Our Riverside vision attorney recommends reporting all injuries immediately and seeking medical attention. However, we know these injuries are not always immediately apparent. In most cases, you have two years from the time of injury to file a claim. This can include the time you were diagnosed with vision loss.

What causes vision loss in the workplace

There are various ways a person can experience workplace vision loss. These can include:

  1. Debris flying into a worker’s eye
  2. Getting stuck in the eye by a tool or other object
  3. Exposure to flames, chemicals, or bright lights
  4. Head injury symptoms often include vision loss

What causes hearing loss in the workplace

OSHA says that workers should not be exposed to more than 85 decibels for over eight continuous hours. Loud noise exposure is the main cause of workplace hearing loss. We know that approximately 30 million US workers are exposed to dangerous noise levels each day at work. These injuries can also be caused by chemicals called ototoxins that are common in many US workplaces.

  • 24% of all US hearing loss is attributed to workplace causes.

What will my attorney do to help

We depend on our hearing and vision for both our work and out-of-work lives. If workplace incidents or conditions are responsible for your hearing or vision loss, you need to be able to get compensation. At JML Law, APLC, our qualified and experienced team is ready to get to work on your behalf. Let us investigate your injuries so we can secure the following:

  1. Coverage of your medical bills (past and future)
  2. Compensation for lost income if you cannot work
  3. Mental anguish damages
  4. Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  5. Possible punitive damages

If you need a Riverside vision and hearing loss lawyer, you can contact us by clicking here or calling us at 818-610-8800 for a free consultation today.

Get your questions answered.

Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you have experienced workplace vision loss due to workplace,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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