Human beings work to provide food, shelter, clothing, education and some semblance of the American Dream to their loved ones. Employees who were hired possessed the skill set necessary, the education requirement or a combination of both. They show up on time, every day. Don’t complain, start trouble or perform their jobs improperly.
So, why does JML Law handle so many workplace discrimination claims every year?
Although California is an at-will’ state (meaning one can be fired without reason), employees are shielded from sexual harassment, discrimination, retaliation or not being hired due to sexual orientation, race, creed, or color. With Fair Employment and Housing rules, EEOC, Civil Rights Act and other federal laws which prohibit discriminatory firings, our Riverside workplace discrimination attorney handles many claims that employers terminated employees without merit but really did so under violation of FEHA.
JML Law Fights Workplace Hostilities
The most common form of discrimination involves racial bigotry. Giving opportunities to those of one color while denying advancement to those of another color is illegal on all levels.
We are seeing a growing number of religious discrimination claims, too, because that’s also a protected right under Constitutional and Federal law.
Because our approach to discrimination deals both with solving the problem and getting employees compensated, we work closely with opposing counsel and human resource departments to settle our cases. Making employees financially whole isn’t enough for our Riverside workplace discrimination attorney; educating executives on spotting and ameliorating future issues is also vital.
Common claims of workplace discrimination we handle include:
- Employer refuses to make reasonable adjustments so a partially disabled person can perform their job accurately.
- Executives authorize bonuses for everyone of one particular color, but conveniently forget to give bonus to several folks of another color.
- Overtime hours are given to individuals that practice the same religion the supervisor does, but others are either given lesser amounts or none at all.
- Human resource department decides that hiring married women is bad for business.
Of course, every claim which JML Law handles wins or loses based on its own merits. We won’t promise specific dollar amounts your discrimination claim is worth, but we will promise our 100% undivided attention and effort in bringing your claim to a successful close.
Don’t Let Discrimination Overwhelm You
Employees are often retaliated against when reporting workplace discrimination to immediate supervisors. The extent of retaliation can be as extreme as termination of employment, or minimal like a snide remark or nasty email. Problem is, these games go on for weeks, sometimes months, with many employees too scared to speak because they need income to support children.
Enduring any type of discriminatory act is unacceptable to JML Law, and we leverage our vast knowledge of employment law to successfully litigate against employers who’ve put you in this position. We do not charge to look over the facts of your case, and if hired, will collect as much as legally possible for you.
To speak with a Riverside workplace discrimination attorney about your potential claim, please contact or email us today.
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Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you had experienced workplace discrimination,