

San Bernardino Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Attorney

San Bernardino Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Attorney

Most people think of traumatic injuries when they hear the term “workplace injury.” However, there are many workplace injuries that are not as easily visible, ones that take time to develop. If you need a San Bernardino carpal tunnel syndrome attorney, you can count on the qualified and experienced team at JML Law, APLC to be by your side. We will work diligently to link your injury to the workplace incidents that caused it so you can get the compensation you need today.

What is carpal tunnel syndrome

There is actually a part of your body on the lower underside of your wrist that is called the carpal tunnel. It houses your median nerve and several tendons that allow your hands and wrists to function properly. Compression in this area can cause pain, numbness, weakness, and tingling sensations.

How many people does carpal tunnel syndrome affect

The Bureau of Labor Statistics tells us that 2.8 million US workers suffered from nonfatal injuries or illnesses due to workplace incidents in the latest reporting year. Many people think of obvious traumatic injuries when they think of workplace incidents, but carpal tunnel syndrome is a repetitive stress injury that is amazingly common among the US population.

  1. It affects around 1 in 20 adults.
  2. Between 3 and 6 percent of the population.

Between 2007 and 2014, there were 140,000 carpal tunnel syndrome workers’ compensation claims in California.

How does carpal tunnel happen in the workplace

The hallmark of carpal tunnel development is repetitive motions of the fingers, hands, and wrists, particularly if these movements happen when the body is improperly supported or positioned. Most people know that office jobs, particularly when there is typing involved, can cause carpal tunnel. However, let’s look at the industries in which most carpal tunnel cases develop:

  1. Textile, fabric finishing, and coating mills
  2. Apparel accessories and other apparel manufacturing
  3. Animal slaughtering and processing

Researchers have found that women are 3.3 times more likely to get carpal tunnel syndrome.

How does carpal tunnel affect work and life

Carpal tunnel syndrome can completely destroy a person’s ability to do their jobs and enjoy the lifestyle they are accustomed to. In the best-case scenario, a worker will need time off or a reduction in their duties to recover. For serious carpal tunnel cases, surgery may be needed to repair the damage.

We are here when you need help

Some workplace injuries are harder to see than others, but that does not mean it should be harder to secure compensation. At JML Law, APLC, we are ready to help if you or a loved one has developed carpal tunnel due to workplace conditions. We will work diligently to secure the compensation you deserve, which can include:

  1. Your medical expenses related to the condition
  2. Lost wages and benefits if you cannot work
  3. Pain and suffering damages
  4. Loss of personal enjoyment damages

We understand these cases and are in the best position to ensure you are treated fairly. When you need a San Bernardino carpal tunnel syndrome lawyer, you can contact us by clicking here or calling us at 818-610-8800 for a free consultation today.

Get your questions answered.

Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you have been affected by carpal tunnel syndrome due to work-related activities,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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