

Woodland Hills Failure to Pay Commissions Attorney

Woodland Hills Failure to Pay Commissions Attorney

Anyone in a sales-related role, whether in Woodland Hills or elsewhere, will know that commission can make up a huge amount of your pay packet. Pay structures in these roles mean that employees rely on the commissions they generate to boost their wages to the level needed to support themselves and their dependents. Often, a very low basic wage is offered alongside these commissions, rendering it impossible for the workers in question to stay solvent without the commissions they are due. On the one hand, the commission makes it easy for talented salespeople in a lucrative industry to earn a great living; on the other, it enables unscrupulous employers to withhold monies owed for flimsy reasons. As our Woodland Hills failure to pay commissions attorneys can confirm, employers regularly try to dismiss employees purely to avoid paying out the commissions they have earned.

If an employer has treated you this way, speak to one of our lawyers immediately. Not only will we hold your employer accountable for their unlawful actions, but we will also recover the commissions you are due and any applicable compensation.

Do I Have Grounds For A Failure To Pay Commissions Case

Although our Woodland Hills failure to pay commissions attorney will need to discuss your circumstances with you before confirming definitively, if you have earned a commission in line with the terms of your contract but have not been paid them, you may be entitled to pursue these through the courts. California employment law regards different types of commissions differently, but your JML Law, APLC attorney, can quickly ascertain your eligibility to file a lawsuit.

To provide a general overview, the commission is considered a form of wages where the employee has sold the product or service and had the commission calculated as a percentage of the value of the sale. Employees earning a commission in this way could pursue unpaid commissions as unpaid wages. Conversely, this will generally not be the case where the employee is not directly involved in the sale. To illustrate the difference, a sales assistant with a sales target may find that their commission is considered a wage, whereas a car mechanic may not.

When you have complied with the terms of your contract and earned commission accordingly, you are entitled to be paid this amount. If your employer has dismissed you or otherwise made it difficult or impossible for you to recover what you are due, you could benefit from the legal expertise of our Woodland Hills lawyers.

Schedule Your Free Initial Consultation With An Expert Lawyer Today

We know how hard it can be when an employer backs out of an agreed-upon deal, whether the agreement was written or verbal. Sometimes, an employer changes the pay structure or commission plan without letting you know. Other times, they say that you did not do the work. In the worst-case scenario, an employer terminates an employee before they are paid, hoping to avoid shelling out the money you earned.

At JML Law, APLC, we will provide you with a Woodland Hills failure to pay commissions attorney who will fight to secure your compensation. We will also work to ensure coverage for your legal fees and court costs. Our team is standing by to help you today. You can contact us by clicking here or calling us at 818-610-8800 for a free consultation.

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Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you are facing failure to pay commissions issue,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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