

Woodland Hills Premise Liability Attorney

Woodland Hills Premise Liability Attorney

Premises liability law in Woodland Hills and across California lays out a required level of care that property owners must offer to all invited guests on their premises. Owners of all types of property – both commercial and residential – are obligated to ensure that their premises are maintained to a safe standard and promptly remedy any hazards or dangerous conditions. If you have been injured on somebody else’s property, be that a restaurant, theme park, office building, or a home you were invited into, speak to a JML Law, APLC Woodland Hills premise liability attorney about recovering the compensation you are entitled to.

Do I Have A Valid Premises Liability Case

That question is for the courts to answer when they hear your case, but for now, if you have been injured due to a hazard or dangerous condition on somebody else’s property, you should speak to an experienced attorney immediately to protect your legal rights. Allowing you to take the time you need to relax and recover from the injuries you have sustained due to the premises owner’s negligence, we will work tirelessly to secure the compensation you deserve.

Our Woodland Hills premises liability attorneys have the legal knowledge, skills and experience required to successfully recover a full and fair settlement in all manner of cases, with some of our past successes relating to:

  1. Dog bites.
  2. Slip and fall accidents.
  3. Trip and fall accidents.
  4. Injuries sustained at swimming pools.
  5. Falls due to un-signposted slippery surfaces.
  6. Worn or poorly maintained staircases.
  7. Inadequate lighting in parking lots.
  8. Lack of security.
  9. Unsafe construction sites and zones.
  10. Poorly maintained elevators and escalators.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, so if you have been injured on somebody else’s property, it is strongly recommended that you consult a Woodland Hills premises liability attorney immediately to discuss your case.

How Could A Woodland Hills Premises Liability Attorney Act On My Behalf

When a property owner fails to adhere to their responsibility to maintain safe premises and to rectify any hazardous condition promptly, innocent visitors – like you – can sustain severe injuries such as:

  1. Fractured or broken bones.
  2. Traumatic brain injuries or other head injuries.
  3. Lacerations.
  4. Spinal cord injuries.
  5. Fatal injuries.
  6. Other life-changing or life-limiting injuries.

If you, or a loved one, have been affected by a dangerous condition on somebody else’s property, an experienced premises liability attorney from JML Law, APLC could ensure you recover maximum compensation in respect of:

  1. Present and future medical costs are based on the expected cost of the future treatment required to recover from your injuries.
  2. The pain and suffering, both physical and emotional, inflicted upon you by your injuries.
  3. Lost wages due to being unable to work while you recover and any future earnings your condition is expected to impact.
  4. Other financial losses associated with your injuries.

At JML Law, APLC, our attorneys are dedicated to holding the owners of Woodland Hills properties accountable for any injuries resulting from their negligence. To discuss your case with a skilled premises liability lawyer, call us today at 818-610-8800 to schedule your free initial consultation.

Get your questions answered.

Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you have sustained injuries due to a premise liability incident,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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