

Woodland Hills Product Liability Attorney

Woodland Hills Product Liability Attorney

When a defective product has injured you or a loved one, you are entitled to recover compensation from the manufacturer or third parties responsible for a certain aspect of production. For years, JML Law, APLC, and product liability attorneys have been aggressively pursuing these manufacturers and holding them accountable for the consequences of their negligence. You should be able to use any product as intended without risking serious harm. With the legal representation of a skilled Woodland Hills product liability attorney, you could be fairly compensated for any physical injuries or other damages sustained.

Despite the state of California enforcing strict rules relating to the safety of all products, unsafe and defective items will continue to exist for as long as unscrupulous manufacturers and suppliers are willing to produce them. If you have fallen victim to one of these manufacturers who prioritize their profits over their consumers’ safety, you could benefit from the guidance and support of an expert Woodland Hills product liability lawyer.

What Are The Types Of Defective Products, And How Can A Product Liability Lawyer Handle Them

Under California law, as in many other states, three types of product defects may form the basis of a product liability lawsuit. When you hire a Woodland Hills product liability attorney from JML Law to pursue compensation on your behalf, you can rest assured in the knowledge that we have over 35 years of experience in successfully handling all three.

Manufacturing defects occur when a flaw is introduced during the manufacturing process, generally affecting just one or a small number of batches of that particular item. Some examples include cracked axles on a bicycle or a rough edge on a piece of baby equipment.

Design defects are flaws that are inherently present in the design of a product and, as such, render the product defective or unsafe regardless of how well it is manufactured. For example, a car that tends to roll while turning a corner or an electrical item that tends to electrocute users.

Failure to warn is the third type of product defect and relates to the manufacturer’s failure to provide adequate warnings about a potential hazard or sufficient instructions to ensure the user avoids that hazard. This may include medication that does not list potential side effects.

Whichever category your product liability lawsuit falls under, your Woodland Hills attorney will focus the full extent of our legal expertise on recovering the compensation you deserve and ensuring that no further injuries are caused by the product in question.

Speak To A Woodland Hills Product Liability Attorney Today

At JML Law, APLC, we strongly believe that manufacturers should be held accountable for any injuries their consumers sustain, through no fault of their own, while using their products as intended. During our 35-year career to date, we have successfully recovered compensation in respect of:

  1. Defective car parts.
  2. Defective baby equipment.
  3. Medical equipment.
  4. Power tools.
  5. Prescription drugs.
  6. Home appliances.
  7. Countless other defective products.

To discuss your case with an esteemed Woodland Hills attorney and identify whether you are eligible to file a product liability suit, schedule your free consultation by calling us today at 818-610-8800.

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Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you have experienced harm due to a product defect,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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