

Woodland Hills Workplace Injury Attorney

Woodland Hills Workplace Injury Attorney

Although some occupations are more dangerous than others, virtually anyone can sustain a workplace injury in California. Luckily, when this happens, California’s robust labor laws allow injured workers to seek compensation for their medical bills and other such losses.

You can file a claim with your employer’s compensation insurance to seek financial assistance if you’ve been harmed in an on-the-job accident. However, because insurance companies can sometimes attempt to convince claimants to settle for less than they’re owed, it’s smart to hire a lawyer to represent you instead of directly working with the insurance company. At JML Law, APLC, a Woodland Hills workplace injury attorney can help optimize your chances of receiving the benefits you deserve.

Common Workplace Accidents & Injuries

The types of accidents that may occur in a workplace can vary from one industry to another. In general, common accidents include:

  • Slip and falls.
  • Falls from heights.
  • Being struck by falling objects.
  • Motor vehicle accidents.
  • Overexertion.

Additionally, a worker can develop an injury over time due to repetitive motions.

The nature of an accident will determine the nature of a worker’s injuries. For example, a slip and fall could result in a concussion or traumatic brain injury. On the other hand, lifting a heavy object could result in a back injury.

Seeking Compensation After A Workplace Injury In Woodland Hills

Any injury you sustain due to your work could require costly medical treatment. It might also prevent you from working and earning an income until you fully recover.

In a typical personal injury case, you would need to prove your injuries resulted from another party’s negligence to receive compensation for these losses. That’s not the case if you were injured at work. In California, even if your accident didn’t result from negligence, you can pursue compensation by filing a claim for compensation benefits. You can collect said benefits as long as your injury is genuinely work-related.

How Can A Woodland Hills Workplace Injury Lawyer Help

Unfortunately, you can’t necessarily trust that your employer’s compensation insurer will offer the compensation you deserve when you file a claim. Like any business, an insurance company will strive to avoid financial losses whenever possible.

An insurer might attempt to deny your claim by arguing that you weren’t operating within the scope of your employment when you were injured. If they can’t deny your claim, they might offer less compensation than you’re owed.

Protect yourself by seeking legal representation. A Woodland Hills workplace injury attorney can assist you by:

  • Gathering evidence to show your accident was work-related.
  • Add up your various compensable losses to determine your claim’s worth.
  • Filing a claim on your behalf.
  • Negotiating with the insurance company if their settlement offers are too low.

At JML Law, APLC, we’re dedicated to helping California’s hard workers receive the compensation benefits they deserve when they’re injured on the job. Learn more about what we can do for you by contacting us online or at 818-610-8800.

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Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you've sustained an injury in a work-related accident,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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