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Los Angeles Head Injury Attorney

Los Angeles Head Injury Attorney

When people think of head injuries, they may first consider jobs like construction workers, where lots of heavy materials are moving high in the air. Other jobs may include a roofer, building window cleaner, or stock worker. They tend to be at risk for more head injuries as, like the construction worker, they are working around places where there are opportunities of falling from heights or having something fall onto their heads. Even though those occupations are higher risk, other occupations, like dancers, office workers, retail and service industry workers, or educators, can result in head injuries.

Head injuries can be some of the most devastating and life-changing injuries. Only when another person is to blame for the head or brain injury is the victim entitled to compensation.

Reasons like defective products, slips and falls, premises liability accidents, and medical malpractice can cause brain injuries in the workplace. Often, these situations involve another individual’s negligence or carelessness. When that happens, victims can file a lawsuit.

Common Types Of Head Injuries

A head injury can be categorized as any blow, bump, or jolt to the head. The injury can also be categorized as a traumatic brain injury (TBI), depending on the severity. A traumatic brain injury is life-changing because it can cause permanent injury, short and long-term disability, and death. It results from violent blows or jolts to the head. Objects that go through brain tissue, like bullets or shattered pieces of the skull, can also cause traumatic brain injury. Scenarios known for causing traumatic brain injuries are falls, vehicle collisions, violence, sports injuries, and explosive blasts in combat.

Concussions are the most common head injury, usually from slips and falls or objects falling onto a person’s head.

Concussions are typically talked about in the sports community, but anyone who deals with some head trauma can have a concussion. For example, if you slip and fall onto your back, your head could bounce off the floor. You could slip easily if you were walking and something was on the floor. In an office, that can be as simple as slipping on a pen that was left negligently on the floor. It can also be as severe as a dancer slipping on stage due to moisture on the floor because there is sufficient air conditioning. Regardless of how the accident occurred, if it happened in the workplace, there are certain benefits you are entitled to and which your company, employer, or insurance company may not be completely honest with you about.

Symptoms to be on the lookout for serious head injuries or traumatic brain injuries are loss of consciousness, a dazed, confused, or disoriented state, headaches, nausea, with or without vomiting, fatigue, speech issues, problems with sleeping- either not enough or too much, coordination and balance issues, problems sensory like ears ringing, blurry vision, changes in tastes and the ability to smell, sensitivity to light and noise, concentration problems, mood changes and feelings of depression and anxiety. Whenever a person exhibits one or more of these symptoms, it is vital to seek medical attention immediately.

Certain head or brain injuries like concussions are treatable with rest. In other extreme cases, other treatment options involve professional help such as removing clotted blood, relieving skull fractures, repairing skull fractures, anti-anxiety medications, physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and cognitive therapy. Surgery is sometimes a necessary option, like removing blood clots, but is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Not everyone will have to undergo surgery.

Being a part of a lawsuit isn’t a widespread goal for people. So, the workplace can enforce tactics, protocols, guidelines, and rules to prevent the risk of head and brain injuries. For driving, always make sure you wear a seatbelt and utilize the vehicle’s airbags. Prohibition of alcohol and drugs in the workplace, mandatory employees wearing helmets when operating heavy machinery and equipment, and encouragement for everyone to pay attention to their surroundings. Distractions like using your phone or smart device while walking will prevent you from seeing what is ahead, leading to accidents and falls.

No matter what type of head or brain injury you sustained in a workplace accident, always seek medical assistance immediately. Caring for the injury is the best recovery route; the sooner you begin treatment, the better.

Traumatic brain injuries are unlike any other injury. Detection isn’t always easy and clear-cut, which makes them even more dangerous. The consequences could be dire if a severe head injury goes untreated for too long. You need to contact a professional attorney for the optimum representation to put you on the right path for a comfortable life after the accident.

What To Expect

If you or someone you love is dealing with a head injury resulting in the workplace, you need to consider contacting your local workers’ compensation attorney. Hiring attorneys can be the difference between getting adequate financial support, getting further in debt due to medical bills, or traveling for medical expenses. Our Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorneys at JML Law, a Professional Law Corporation, can ensure you are cared for.

Like any business, insurance companies are for profit. They stand to make money off everyone every year who needs to utilize their benefits. Therefore, when someone comes along and needs to use the benefits, they will scrutinize and complicate things. You don’t need that stress, and you certainly don’t need another headache. Our Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorneys at JML Law, a Professional Law Corporation, have a successful track record for getting our clients the coverage necessary to settle their medical debts. Call 818-610-8800 or click here to discuss how we can help you heal today.

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Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. For Los Angeles head injury cases,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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