

Does Your Age and Movies We Watch Contribute to Sexual Harassment? Blame the ‘60s?

By: JML Law | December 6, 2017.
Does Your Age and Movies We Watch Contribute to Sexual Harassment? Blame the ‘60s?

Almost every day, some celebrity, big-shot businessman, or Republican / Democrat politician is brought down under the weight of sexual harassment and abuse allegations that have sieged Hollywood since early October.

A lot of America’s (formerly) beloved figures have been ousted and shamed, including House of Cards actor Kevin Spacey, Rain Man actor Dustin Hoffman, Transparent actor Jeffrey Tambor, producer Harvey Weinstein, comedian Louis C.K., TV personalities Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer… and the list goes on and on.

What’s the one thing these men have in common besides their passion for walking naked, masturbating, and bathing in front of, verbally harassing, and groping women? Their age: from 50 to 80.

But it’s not just their age that is common. It’s also the culture they grew up in and the movies they watched during their adulthood from the ‘50s to ‘70s. There’s no denying that the culture and movies were different back then, but was it so different that men grew up thinking that it was morally acceptable to sexually harass women?

Sexual harassment in 2017: blame the ‘60s or not

In his apology after the bombshell story by The New York Times revealed sexual harassment and abuse allegations by dozens of women, Harvey Weinstein said in his own defense, “I came of age in the ’60s and ’70s when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different, that was the culture then.”

Norbert Rug, the author at the Lockport Union-Sun & Journal, noted recently that many of the accused men were raised on movies from the ‘50s and ‘60s, “when confines were less defined and ‘no’ on occasion meant ‘maybe’.”

Does it mean that the movies from that era have taught men that they are entitled to sex from women and that men can objectify women and sexually harass or abuse them to get what they want?

Some of our sexual harassment attorneys here at JML Law were raised in the ‘50s and 60s, and – just to be clear – men sexually harassing or abusing their female or male employees, subordinates, assistants, coworkers, students, and others was just as inexcusable and intolerable back then as it is now.
Blaming the 1950s or 1960s or 1970s for your behavior in 2017 should not let influential men get a free pass.

How 2017 is different, finally

Sexual harassment has been around for ages – and, undoubtedly, it went on in the ‘60s – but the victims of sexual misconduct are brave today as never before.

A series of sex scandals in Hollywood have empowered women across many industries in the U.S. to come forward and speak out about past and ongoing sexual harassment, abuse, assault, and other misconduct on the part of their male employers and coworkers.

Many more celebrities and mere mortals, influential and not so many men are expected to be brought down by the ongoing wave of sexual misconduct revelations, and our sexual harassment attorneys here at JML Law encourage women and men in Long Beach and elsewhere in California to not be afraid to join the ever-growing #MeToo movement.

What we see today is a unique moment in our history when people have come together to purge our society from predators, gropers, harassers, and abusers.

How to deal with sexual harassment at work

Your male coworker may have passed sexual harassment prevention training with flying colors, but it doesn’t mean he is not harassing you when he keeps trying to kiss you, touch you inappropriately, or make disgusting verbal comments about your body.

Your male employer may be punishing his employees for sexually harassing their female coworkers, but when he keeps telling you that you could be promoted in return for sexual favors, he is sexually harassing you.

These and many other instances of sexual harassment at work should be nipped in the bud. Don’t let harassers or predators at work get away with their unlawful conduct.

If you have been the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace or have been sexually abused by your employer or coworkers, consult our sexual harassment attorneys at JML Law today to get a free initial consultation.

Call 818-610-8800 or send an email for a free case evaluation. JML Law respects your right to confidentiality.

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