

Driver In Hit-And-Run Sought By Police

By: JML Law | November 20, 2019.
Driver In Hit-And-Run Sought By Police

Pedestrian accidents often lead to devastating injuries. Unfortunately, the Los Angeles area is no stranger to pedestrian crashes, particularly hit-and-run incidents. Despite the lofty “Vision Zero” goal outlined in 2015, the number of pedestrian incidents has increased. At JML Law, our skilled and experienced team is ready to help when you need a Los Angeles pedestrian accident lawyer. Today, we want to discuss a recent hit-and-run involving a rental Tesla vehicle and what police know about the suspect so far.

What happened in this hit-and-run with a Tesla

A crash that occurred on Nov 21. Around Olympic Boulevard and Lake Street is under investigation by the LAPD. At around 10:45 that evening, the driver of a rental Tesla struck a 34-year-old man and left him in critical condition.

Police have identified the victim as Emilio Perez. They say he was pushing a cart across the street when he was struck by a light-colored Tesla that police say may be a Model 3. After the collision, the driver of the Tesla fled the scene.

Police say that they believe the Tesla has left two blocks from the crash site about an hour later with the help of an accomplice. Video shows what police describe as a woman in a hoodie carrying a car cover. The video shows the woman trying to cover damage to Tesla.

As of this writing, no arrests have been made. Police are seeking both the driver of the Tesla and anyone who is trying to help the hit-and-run driver escape prosecution.

These incidents can be devastating

According to data from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), we know that there were over 15,000 pedestrians were injured and 811 pedestrians killed during the latest reporting year in the state. These numbers have been increasing, despite the “Vision Zero” plan being implemented in many major cities, including Los Angeles.

Pedestrians have no protection against the force of a vehicle slamming into them, and the Los Angeles pedestrian accident lawyers at JML Law frequently help clients suffering from the following:

These incidents can lead to major medical bills for victims and their families. In many cases, a pedestrian accident victim cannot work while they recover and loses their income.

We can help you secure the compensation you need

If you or someone you love has been injured in a pedestrian accident that was caused by another driver’s negligence, please seek legal assistance today. At JML Law, our qualified and experienced team is going to investigate your case and work to recover the compensation you are entitled to. This could include:

  • Coverage of medical expenses related to the incident
  • Recovery of lost wages if you cannot work while you recover
  • Coverage of physical therapy
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Possible punitive damages against the negligent driver

If you need a Los Angeles pedestrian accident attorney, you can contact us by calling us at 818-610-8800 for a free consultation today.

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