

Fake Products And Coronavirus – What You Need To Know

By: JML Law | April 15, 2020.
Fake Products And Coronavirus – What You Need To Know

Nobody should ever have to worry about whether or not a product they purchase could cause them or somebody they love harm. Unfortunately, we are seeing reports of people taking advantage of the coronavirus pandemic in this country by selling products promising cures or remedies for COVID-19. At JML Law, our Los Angeles product liability attorneys want to discuss what you can do to keep you and your family safe.

Why Are There Fake Products Out There

We could have predicted there would be plenty of products popping up making false claims about coronavirus (COVID-19). It did not take long for many people to start seeing advertising for products making false claims about the disease, including those that claimed to prevent or cure coronavirus or products claiming to lessen the symptoms of those with COVID-19.

Perhaps this is most clearly demonstrated by a product being sold by televangelist Jim Bakker called Silver Solution. Bakker has made the claim that his product is a treatment for COVID-19. He and his “health experts” have claimed that Silver Solution “Totally eliminates it. Kills it. Deactivates it.” They claim that their product does this within 12 hours.

However, The US Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission have warned Bakker that his website and Facebook page were selling “unapproved new drugs” and that he was violating federal law.

In addition to its warning to Bakker, the FDA also sent warnings to six other companies that were selling various so-called “treatments” for coronavirus. FTC Chairman Joe Simons said, “There already is a high level of anxiety over the potential spread of coronavirus.” He went on to say that we do not need “companies preying on consumers by promoting products with fraudulent prevention and treatment claims.”

The state of Missouri has filed a lawsuit against Jim Bakker for making these false accusations about his product. There will likely be other states that do the same. The message from federal and state regulators is clear – we will not tolerate anybody seeking to profit from the coronavirus pandemic by misleading the public and potentially causing serious harm with fake products.

As of this writing, there is currently no vaccine or cure for coronavirus (COVID-19). Please refer to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the FDA for future developments.

We Are Here To Help

If you or somebody you care about has been injured by a defective product related to COVID-19, or by any faulty product at all, let the team at JML Law will help you through this. We are dedicated to helping victims harmed by defective products secure any compensation they may be entitled to. This could include the following:

  • Compensation for all medical expenses
  • Recovery of lost wages if you cannot work
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Possible punitive damages against the company, entity, or manufacturer

When you need a Los Angeles product liability attorney, you can contact us by clicking here or calling us at 818-610-8800 for a free consultation today.

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