

Follow These 8 Safety Tips To Avoid An Injury While Shopping During Holiday Season

By: JML Law | December 21, 2018.
Follow These 8 Safety Tips To Avoid An Injury While Shopping During Holiday Season

Many Americans love the holiday season for one and only reason: shopping. Visiting shopping malls and retail establishments all across Los Angeles or another city in California all day long just to find that perfect Christmas present for your sister, brother, mother, father, and uncle (and the shopping list goes on and on) is a very thrilling experience.

While there is no denying that holiday shopping can be exciting, many Americans forget that shopping malls and other retail establishments are full of hazards, and the risk of sustaining an injury while shopping increases tenfold during the festive season.

Regardless of whether you spend 15 hours in a shopping mall or go in for 10 minutes to pick up a few items and go back to your car, you are equally as likely to get injured while shopping (In fact, did you know that being in a hurry increases the risk of a slip and fall accident?).

Causes of injuries at shopping malls during the holidays

“As we imagine, you would not want to spend Christmas Eve in a hospital bed, which is why it is paramount that you follow tips to avoid an injury when shopping during the holiday season,” says our premises liability attorney Los Angeles from JML Law.

According to estimations by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), approximately 250 people get injured at stores per day during the holiday season. There are many causes of injuries at shopping malls and stores during the holidays, including but not limited to:

  1. Crowds of people create a plethora of hazards.
  2. Holiday decorations can become trip and fall obstacles or fall on unsuspecting shoppers.
  3. Accumulation of snow, ice, rain, or other unsafe conditions (the more shoppers there are, the less likely shopping mall staff is to clean and eliminate hazards).
  4. Violence and altercations between shoppers who want the same discounted item, but there’s only one left.
  5. Elevator and escalator accidents (the influx of shoppers during the holidays means more people squeezing into elevators and putting more strain on escalators at shopping malls).
  6. Falls from stairs and stairwells.
  7. Crushing injuries in an elevator or automatic doors.
  8. Slip and fall accidents due to a wet or slippery floor.
  9. Falling or straining one’s lower back while climbing to reach items from higher shelves.
  10. Items falling from high shelves onto shoppers.
  11. Assault, robbery, and auto theft.

As you can see, shopping malls and other retail establishments are overrun with hazards and risks during the holiday season.

Follow these safety tips to avoid an injury when shopping

Our Los Angeles premises liability attorney advises following these safety tips to prevent getting injured at shopping malls or stores during the holiday season.

  1. Do not shop on busy shopping days unless you absolutely have to
  2. Be more careful if the floors are wet or slippery, especially if it’s raining outside
  3. Shop with a friend or family member and stay together while shopping (you may be surprised how common assaults and robberies are at parking lots during the holiday season)
  4. If you are shopping solo, consider asking a security guard or any other shopping mall employee to escort you to your vehicle
  5. Watch out for decorations and items that may fall onto you
  6. Avoid squeezing into an elevator (it’s much safer to wait for another elevator)
  7. If you see a violent or aggressive shopper (the so-called bargain-hunter), maintain a safe distance and avoid altercations
  8. Keep your purse, phone, and wallet close to your money at all times (robberies at crowded shopping malls are commonplace in Los Angeles and all across California)

Our premises liability lawyers in Los Angeles advise you to follow these safety tips to avoid getting injured when shopping during this festive time of year. If you have been injured at a shopping mall or any other retail establishment, consult with our attorneys from JML Law. Call 818-610-8800 for a free case evaluation.

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