

MyVoiceLA Enables Los Angeles City Workers to Report Harassment Online

By: JML Law | April 23, 2018.
MyVoiceLA Enables Los Angeles City Workers to Report Harassment Online

During a recent event at Getty House, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti unveiled MyVoiceLA, an online portal which allows all workers employed by the city to report sexual harassment or discrimination. This web service forms just part of a wider initiative implemented by the city in a move to reduce inappropriate behavior and mistreatment in the workplace. MyVoiceLA is already operational in beta format and can be used by any city employee, commissioner, or those who do business with the city. Mayor Garcetti stated that every one of these people deserves to have their complaints seen and addressed in a prompt and efficient manner.

The initiative also includes an ongoing executive directive where city employees can make recommendations for improving and streamlining the process for reviewing these complaints, improving the training offered across the city, and forming a board to handle particularly complex or sensitive cases.

MyVoiceLA’s online portal may also be expanded in the future to allow members of the public to report harassment or discrimination they have suffered at the hands of city employees and officials.

Have You Been a Victim of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

While MyVoiceLA appears to be an excellent step forward for those working in LA city posts, there are still thousands of employees suffering from sexual harassment in workplaces without such a transparent reporting process. If you fall into this category, you do not need to simply accept this inappropriate and unwelcome behavior.

An experienced Los Angeles sexual harassment attorney from JML Law could provide outstanding legal representation on cases involving:

  1. A hostile work environment
  2. Employment benefits offered in return for sexual favors, or quid pro quo
  3. Unwelcome sexual advances, or threats of retaliation should they be rejected
  4. Sexual notes, letters, or text messages (sexting)
  5. Sharing or displaying inappropriate or explicit posters, pictures, websites, or objects
  6. Inappropriate language or comments
  7. Verbal sexual abuse, or derogatory comments
  8. Leering and sexual gestures
  9. Stalking
  10. Threats, intimidation, and/or humiliation
  11. Gender harassment, harassment based on pregnancy, or same-sex harassment
  12. Sexual assault or other unwanted and unwelcome physical contact

If you feel that your situation involves these, or related, behaviors, a Los Angeles sexual harassment attorney could help you to recover the compensation and damages you deserve, as well as ensure the behavior does not continue.

Find Out How a Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Attorney Could Help Your Case

With our years of experience, a JML Law Los Angeles sexual harassment attorney could be your key to putting an end to unwelcome advances in the workplace, and recovering the damages you are entitled to and deserve. Did you know that only between 5 and 15% of women who suffer sexual harassment in the workplace ever report it, and that figure is even lower for male employees? We firmly believe that this is unacceptable and that it should not be taboo to report unwelcome behavior.

To discuss your case with an expert Los Angeles sexual harassment attorney, and find out what we could do for you, call us today on 818-610-8800 to schedule a free consultation.

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