

The Real Danger of Theme Parks: Can You Sue Them For Negligence and Personal Injury?

By: JML Law | December 16, 2017.
The Real Danger of Theme Parks: Can You Sue Them For Negligence and Personal Injury?

Nowhere else will you find as many theme parks, carnivals, and festivals as in Southern California and Los Angeles. While kids and their parents think, “Wow, that’s so much fun!” personal injury attorneys and medical professionals think, “Damn, that’s so much work!”

The real danger of amusement parks sprinkles into the media every now and then with vague statistics of theme park injuries. But for the most part, we’re being kept in the dark about the exact number of injuries and fatalities at theme parks, Disneyland, carnivals, and festivals.

Nonetheless, estimations by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission indicate that about 30,000 people require hospitalization after visiting theme parks every year.

Fact: The commission is aware of only 22 deaths at amusement parks since 2010, but the real number could be much higher.

Our Los Angeles personal injury attorneys at JML Law, who have personally handled dozens of personal injury complaints stemming from amusement parks, warn that data about theme park injuries and deaths is limited, while regulations are inconsistent.

Even though this presents visitors with a wide range of obstacles when trying to file a personal injury claim after getting injured at a theme park, you can rest assured: despite scarce regulations and limited inspections, obtaining compensation for your or your child’s injuries and damages suffered at Los Angeles amusement parks is real, personal injury lawyers say.

Can you obtain compensation for injuries at theme parks

For decades now, Los Angeles authorities have debated the need to impose strict regulations on amusement parks, carnivals, Disneyland, and festivals in the city.

And yet, no luck. The Consumer Product Safety Commission only oversees the regulation of mobile theme parks, while fixed-site amusement parks ride on their own (literally).

In the case of fixed theme parks, not a single government body oversees the regulation there. Only the state or locality where the amusement park is located is responsible for inspections of fixed theme parks. In fact, some theme parks are not regulated at all.

Fact: Approx.. 335 million people visit amusement parks in the U.S. each year
This chaotic situation creates a plethora of challenges for visitors who sustained injuries at theme parks and are trying to determine liability for poorly maintained or inspected, or otherwise dangerous, amusement attractions and rides.

That’s why it’s critical to hire a personal injury attorney immediately after you or your loved one gets injured at a theme park.

Top causes of injuries at amusement parks

There are many causes of injuries at amusement parks in Los Angeles, but the most common are:

  1. Falls from a Ferris wheel
  2. Ride malfunctions
  3. Attractions falling apart mid-air
  4. Water slide injuries
  5. Getting struck by a roller coaster.

Many theme park owners – or states and localities that are supposed to oversee the regulation – fail to inspect and maintain their attractions and rides on a daily basis. Besides, regulations are most of the time-inconsistent from park to park, which may become challenging to determine and sue the negligent parties without a lawyer.

That’s why contacting a Los Angeles personal injury attorney should be your second step (after seeking medical treatment and documenting your injuries).

Our attorneys here at JML Law say this: you have every right to file a lawsuit and obtain compensation for your injuries, lost wages, lost capacity, and other damages. We must hold theme parks accountable for their negligence and recklessness in order to not only seek damages for your injuries and fatalities but also to make attractions and ride safer for millions of other people.

If negligent parties continue to get away with their unlawful conduct, they will never be motivated to ensure the safety of visitors. Consult our best attorneys about your particular case to know your best strategy.
Call 818-610-8800 or send an email to get a free initial consultation.

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