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Teens injured in summer jobs

By: JML Law | June 7, 2017.
Teens injured in summer jobs

As summer arrives more teens are out on the road looking for things to do. Some will engage in fun activities while others may need some extra cash in their pockets. This is when a summer job offer comes into the picture bringing with it other issues such as accidents at the workplace. If your teen was injured in a summer job, contact a personal injury attorney to file a claim and obtain compensation for your losses.

National statistics

Statistics speak for itself. About 200,000 teens get injured at summer jobs throughout our nation each year. Although many of these injuries aren’t that serious, some may send them to the emergency room. About 60,000 injured teen employees are rushed to the hospital with around 70 of them dying each year. The most serious injuries are generally caused by entry-level jobs including construction work, roofing, and factory work.

The main problem

The most common issue with these jobs is the lack of experience these teens have. They are generally hired at factories and they are not familiar with the machinery or hazards involved. Some teens may want to go the extra mile to please their manager but that will mean taking extra risks without using required protection.

Why in the summer

This is the time when most teens work. Also, they may do jobs that are not legally acceptable.  All states have reported work-related injuries involving teens. Teens violate safety regulations because they don’t have the knowledge or experience required for these jobs. Also, sometimes they are not supervised and their parents don’t know what’s going on at work.

List of occupations

According to the National Consumers League, there is a list of jobs teens 18 years of age or younger are allowed to perform, which hasn’t been updated in a while. At the time the list was created, only 5 percent of teens were employed while about 70 percent of our teens work today.

Parents should get involved

Although teens need independence that doesn’t mean parents stop asking about their whereabouts. Parents should get involved in their children’s lives no matter what. It’s easy to assume employers will keep your teen safe. This is not always the case. About 62 percent of teens are employed and employers may be busy handling other things.

You may have a case

There are many stories about teens getting injured while working at fast-food restaurants and other similar jobs. Sometimes they don’t report these incidents to the supervisor because they are afraid of getting in trouble. Close supervision is very essential to guarantee optimal performance but sometimes hiring managers are not aware of their age and assign them the wrong tasks. These teens have the right to seek the legal intervention of a Los Angeles personal injury attorney. It’s important you speak to an attorney familiar with California personal injury laws. If your teen sustained injuries at work, call our personal injury attorneys today and schedule your initial case evaluation. Your answer may be a phone call away.

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