Every day, tons of people are fired or released from their jobs. Sometimes, this is due to poor performance or a lack of available funds in the company’s account. Yet for many victims, this comes shortly after filing a complaint or simply bringing workplace concerns to the attention of a boss or coworker. What is always the case, however, is the loss of funds and income for the former employee.
When determining cases of termination, it is always recommended that one considers how fair or unfair this termination was. In many situations, employees are wrongfully terminated by their employers and may be eligible for lost income in the form of financial compensation. One of the very best ways of determining if you have a right to this compensation is reaching out to a Los Angeles wrongful termination attorney at JML Law, A Professional Law Corporation.
So, What Is Workplace Retaliation
One of the most important and principal definitions is that a worker should know about is workplace retaliation. Workplace retaliation, as defined by the United States Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, is when an employee is penalized or disciplined for an activity or action that is legally protected under state or federal law.
This may include filing a complaint with the department of human resources or resisting sexual advances by a boss or coworker. Usually, any penalties that come as a result of these types of protected actions are done so to save face and avoid legal consequences for whatever illegal incident has occurred.
How California Employers Try To Wiggle Their Way Out of A Lawsuit
It is very common for employers and wrongful termination cases to claim that they fired their former employees for reasons other than exercising their legal rights. For this, employment attorneys will do everything in their power to collect enough substantial evidence to prove that their client was, in fact, fired for a legally protected activity. You may need evidence that you experienced an illegal activity such as discrimination, suffered damage as a result of the retaliatory action, or engage in a protected activity, for example.
Types Of Legally Protected Activities
There are many different activities that are legally protected under employment law codes and statutes. The point of these is to protect the well-being of employees across the state of California and the United States of America. An employer penalizing an employee against any of these actions would be considered workplace retaliation.
- Filing a request for medical leave
- Filing a complaint about discrimination
- Resisting or evading discriminatory or behavior that could be considered harassing in nature
- Intervening in another case of discrimination or harassment for the well-being of a colleague
- Complaining about wrongful treatment
Experiencing Illegal Retaliation Call JML Law Now.
The most important thing to remember in cases of wrongful termination or workplace retaliation is that you, the employee, have many protected rights under California and federal law. Knowing your rights it’s just the first step in a case of wrongful termination, however. Recovering compensation for your losses is critical to ensuring your own well-being and that of employees that may have the same experience. Call a Los Angeles wrongful termination attorney at JML Law, A Professional Law Corporation at 818-610-8800 or contact us via an online contact form for a free consultation today.