

Wrong Way Crash Kills Three, Injured Two

By: JML Law | February 14, 2019.
Wrong Way Crash Kills Three, Injured Two

Police say they suspect drugs and alcohol were a factor in an accident that led to the deaths of three people and seriously injured two others. On December 28, the driver of a Honda Accord was the wrong way down the 5 Freeway when he struck a Ford Mustang head-on. The driver of the Honda had two passengers with him who were pronounced dead at the scene.

One passenger in the Mustang was also killed and the driver was seriously hurt. The driver of the Honda, the one who police suspected of driving impaired, was also injured.

This is not how anyone wanted to end their year and we know that the families of all of the victims will be significantly impacted. At JML Law, we know that roadways present us with dangers on a daily basis. No matter how safely we drive our vehicles, we cannot predict the actions of others around us.

If you need a Los Angeles car accident attorney, you can count on us to recover the compensation you deserve.

The Dangers

Since our opening story revolves around driving while impaired, we want to take a moment and point out just how dangerous that really is. Maybe we have become numb to the dangers of drinking and driving, but the statistics show us just how much it can change lives.

According to the latest reports, there were 25,147 injuries and 1,369 fatalities due to alcohol-related driving incidents in the state of California for one year.

Impaired driving was responsible for 27% of all traffic-related fatalities for that year.

We also know that distracted driving is a rising problem. So many people still think they have time to look at that incoming text message or video. We know that this behavior can be just as dangerous as drunk driving.

Vehicle accidents can cause serious injuries that lead to expenses that most people cannot afford. It is rare for insurance companies to cover all accident-related expenses, which go beyond medical needs. Have you stopped to think about what happens to a family when the main income earner can no longer make it work due to their injuries?
How about the victim’s pain and suffering?

Why should a person and their family be put into financial jeopardy because of someone else’s mistake?

Moving Forward After An Accident

If you or a loved one have been injured in a vehicle crash that was caused by another person’s negligence, let your next call be to a qualified attorney who can help. At JML Law, we will make sure that you are compensated for all of your accident-related medical expenses, not just your medical bills. We will handle the insurance companies and other people involved so you can focus on healing and being with your family. When you need a Los Angeles car accident attorney, you can contact us by clicking here or calling us at 818-610-8800 for a free consultation today.

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