

Your Job May Put You At a Higher Risk of Car Accident

By: JML Law | December 2, 2017.
Your Job May Put You At a Higher Risk of Car Accident

Do you hold a Master’s degree? Well, you may be at a higher risk of getting into a car accident.

A study has revealed which occupations crash the most on the roads of Riverside and elsewhere in California and the U.S. While the findings of the study may raise eyebrows, our car accident attorneys explain why your job has a direct link to your risk of getting into a car crash.

The study was conducted by Quality Planning Corp. and, and the findings revealed the top 10 most crash-prone jobs in the U.S. In fact, the findings of the study are used by many U.S. auto insurance companies to determine rates based on occupations.

After taking a closer look at the study and channeling our 35 years of experience in navigating car accidents in Riverside and California, our car accident lawyers here at JML Law explain that when people are stressed, fatigued, or in a hurry, the risk of traffic collision rises sharply.

These crash-causing factors are directly linked to your profession, as certain jobs tend to be more stressful, require workers to be at work on time or have aggressive deadlines, and cause a lack of sleep, which results in fatigue.

(Not to mention that many of the jobs below require employees to be called into duty for urgent assignments).

Note: That’s why you won’t see a personal fitness trainer or a yoga instructor on the list.

Top 10 most car accident-prone jobs

Doctors get into car accidents the most, as out of every 1,000 doctors, 109 end up in car crashes each year. Also, 44 of those will get speeding tickets every year. Doctors have by far the most stressful jobs that can deprive both medical professionals and interns of sleep.

Lawyers hold the No. 2 spot, with 106 car accidents and 37 speeding tickets. Interestingly, statistics show that on this list, only social workers speed less than lawyers (33 vs 37 tickets).

Architects round up the top 3 most crash-prone occupations in Riverside and across the U.S. Out of every 1,000 architects, 105 get into car accidents every year. Also, compared to lawyers, nearly twice as many speeding tickets are issued to architects (72).

Real estate brokers average 102 car crashes out of 1,000 realtors and 39 speeding tickets. This may have something to do with the fact that real estate brokers are on their phones 24/7, including when they drive.

Enlisted military personnel average 99 accidents per every 1,000, and 78 speeding tickets.

Social workers are the 6th most crash-prone workers in the U.S. with 98 traffic accidents and only 33 speeding tickets every year.

Manual laborers average of 96 car crashes and 77 speeding tickets. Analysts are slightly less likely to get into car accidents, with 95 car crashes and 40 speeding tickets.

Engineers and consultants are the least accident-prone occupations on the list with 94 crashes each and 51 and 50 speeding tickets respectively.

What to do in case of a car accident in Riverside

Our Riverside car accidents injury attorney has found a few patterns on this list:

The more high-demand a profession is, the higher the risk of car accidents. That’s because high-demand occupations increase the risk of fatigued and sleep-deprived driving.

Also, people who are constantly in a hurry to get to work are more likely to get into a car crash (Think: A doctor who is called into duty for an urgent surgery; or a real estate broker who got a call from a potential client and rushes to the property he’s about to sell).

However, even if you’re a doctor or a realtor, you’re equally entitled to seek compensation for your injuries and damages if the car accident was caused by someone else’s negligence.

Here at JML Law, unlike your insurance company, we are not biased and will not treat you differently just because your profession may be at a higher risk of causing car crashes on the roads of Riverside.

Our Riverside car accident lawyers offer a free initial consultation and a fair, unbiased investigation into your accident to maximize your compensation. Call JML Law at 818-610-8800 today or send an email for a free case evaluation.

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