

EEOC Updates Workplace Discrimination Poster

By: JML Law | October 12, 2022.
EEOC Updates Workplace Discrimination Poster

In workplaces throughout California (and the rest of the United States), the “Equal Opportunity Employment is THE LAW” poster is a common sight. This poster outlines employees’ rights to not face discrimination in the workplace. It also serves to reminder employers that engaging in discrimination is prohibited.

Recently, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission published an updated version of the poster. Noteworthy changes include the following:

  • Clarification that harassment qualifies as discrimination and is prohibited by law
  • Language adjustments so the message of the poster is clearer
  • Clarification that pregnancy discrimination is a form of sex discrimination
  • The inclusion of more information regarding equal pay discrimination for federal contractors
  • A QR code that, when scanned with a smartphone or other such device, directs a user to the EEOC’s site, where they can find information about filing a complaint

According to EEOC Chair Charlotte A. Burrows, “The new ‘Know Your Rights’ poster is a win-win for employers and workers alike. By using plain language and bullet points, the new poster makes it easier for employers to understand their legal responsibilities and for workers to understand their legal rights and how to contact EEOC for assistance.”

The EEOC has also provided guidance regarding how the new poster should be displayed in workplaces. Specifically, it “should be placed in a conspicuous location in the workplace where notices to applicants and employees are customarily posted.” Per the Americans with Disabilities Act, employers should display the poster in a location that employees with disabilities can access.

It’s worth noting that all covered employers are legally required to display this poster in their workplaces. However, as of this writing, the EEOC has not set a deadline for complying with this requirement.

New Posters Don’t Change Old Trends

It’s certainly a positive development that the EEOC has released an updated poster designed to address some of the potential inadequacies of the previous version. However, the fact that an employer is complying with the law by displaying this poster per the EEOC’s instructions doesn’t necessarily mean said employer will actually refrain from committing workplace discrimination.

Additionally, the EEOC poster only provides information about federal anti-discrimination laws. In California, a robust Labor Code includes laws which supplement the federal statutes.

All workers in the state, regardless of industry, should familiarize themselves with these laws. Some employers still get away with workplace discrimination because their employees aren’t properly informed of their rights.

What to do When Workplace Discrimination Happens

Do you suspect you’ve been a victim of illegal discrimination at work? If so, you may have grounds to take legal action against your employer. You might also have justification to file a claim or lawsuit if you’ve been denied employment due to your race, age, gender, etc.

Discuss your case with an attorney for more information. At JML Law, a Los Angeles workplace discrimination lawyer will explain how you may proceed, and they’ll provide effective representation if you decide to hire our firm. Get started today by contacting us online or calling us at 818-610-8800.

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