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Anaheim Bus Accident Attorney

Anaheim Bus Accident Attorney

Have you taken the bus to work but found yourself badly injured when another large vehicle slammed into them? Bus accidents, numbering less than 25,000 across America annually, can be severe given their weight and the fact that passengers could easily topple over each other. JML Law, APLC, a highly recommended Anaheim bus accident attorney specializing in commercial vehicle accident litigation, can help victims get remunerated for their injuries.

Horrific at best and deadly at worst, bus accidents hurt entire communities. Lean on our expertise should an unlikely accident occur while riding buses or when you’ve been seriously injured by city or Greyhound buses while driving your vehicle.

Regardless Of The Bus System, We Have You Covered

During the ten years of 1998-2008, over 1,500 schoolchildren were killed in school bus accidents. Greyhound bus accidents, too, have claimed several lives. City buses, other statewide forms, you name it – accidents have occurred and will again. Fairly ubiquitous, buses are supposed to transport droves of passengers safely between destinations, although even the most skillful driver can have a momentary lapse of judgment or about with distractions.

Our firm handles claims, removing all ambiguity from defendants’ claims of innocence. Much like other car accidents, our Anaheim bus accident attorney works hard to establish fault, poll witnesses and other passengers, collect medical and police reports, and then finally approach the bus company’s insurer or legal counsel to settle cases before they’re tried in court. As many past clients will attest, our approach breaks down tenuous defenses.

Common causes of bus accidents may include, but aren’t limited to:

  1. Driver’s who’re working long shifts, which lead to fatigue and miscalculation;
  2. Operating buses past suggested speeds, even though many have speed-governing devices;
  3. Poor quality control, otherwise avoidable with proper maintenance;
  4. Impaired driving, often stemming from drinking or drugging before driving;
  5. Being too aggressive in passing or changing lanes, not seeing cars in blind spots.

Our firm constantly evolves, educating ourselves as new roadway laws become part of the California code. Choosy victims choose JML Law, APLC, and rightfully so, our record of securing favorable outcomes precedes itself.

Injured By Bus It’ll Get Settled By Us

We’re adamant about fighting for bus accident victims in severe pain. Many of these good folks will miss work, lose income, and maybe their ability to move limbs. Our top-notch representation will bring drivers, companies, and even insurers who have nefarious intentions to justice. Spouses who’ll lose their loved one for extended periods of time may be able to collect loss of consortium payment, too, depending on circumstances.

Fighting bus accidents alone, although possible, may yield frustration. Laws are complex, gradually growing in complexity as vehicles get larger and more ‘commercial’ in responsibility. And, because another’s actions have victimized you, you deserve the greatest possible reward for your inconvenience and injury.

Retain an Anaheim bus accident attorney fierce in litigation style yet gentle enough to show compassion and respect for victims seeking damages for bus accidents.

Our consultation costs victims nothing. Reach out by phone, email, or visit any of our three locations today.

Get your questions answered.

Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you have been injured in a bus accident,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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