

Anaheim Independent Medical Review

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Getting injured on the job is stressful. Not only are you out of work, but now you have to worry about doctors’ appointments, who will take you to the appointments, how you will get to the appointments, all the what-ifs, and recovery plans. You also have to figure out how to pay your bills while you are injured. Thankfully, California recognizes that each business should have some compensation insurance. If you were injured on the job, you have 30 days to tell your employer that you were hurt in an injury to start a claim. You can totally make a claim on your own, but unlike your fierce loyalty to your job, your job may not reciprocate, and you will need help.

What Is An Independent Medical Review

Typically, after an injury, you should go to a doctor to document your injuries. The doctor will take detailed notes to put into your file, and they will provide a treatment plan. Depending on the kind of injury, the treatment plan can take weeks, months, or years. For example, if you have a severely torn rotator cuff, then your treatment plan may involve surgery and extensive physical therapy. You may be out of the job for a year or so. Other lengthy injuries are spinal cord injuries or traumatic amputation. These complicated injuries can take a long time, but sometimes, the insurance companies aren’t so patient. Sometimes, your insurance companies don’t believe some smaller injuries like carpal tunnel.

Insurance companies hire third-party physicians to check you out to remedy this insecurity in your injury. These physicians are supposed to observe your situation objectively and can be scheduled at any time throughout your claim. Typically, an insurance company will request an Independent Medical Reviewer to either help conclude a claim or to find a way to close the claim. These physicians are not your personal doctor, and they are not there to make you feel better. These physicians may not be as thorough or delicate as your regular physicians.

You Have Rights, Use Them

If an Independent Medical Reviewer has been requested, you are legally obligated to attend. However, you do not have to go it alone. You can take someone with you, and it is recommended that it is good to have someone in the room documenting anything that may not seem like a standard of care. Unfortunately, not every independent medical review is truly objective. Suppose you feel the examination was not as expected or something is wrong. In that case, it may behoove you to speak with one of our attorneys at JML Law Group, a Professional Law Corporation in Anaheim. We are here to strongly advocate for you as we know that compensation claims can turn from protecting you to abandoning you. Call 818-610-8800 or click here to start a conversation with our professionals to ensure you get just compensation for your injuries.

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Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you are looking for independent medical review,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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