

Anaheim Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Anaheim Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Motorcyclists choose two-wheeled rides, especially in California, because the scenery is breathtaking. One doesn’t need to roll down windows or get passenger approval to pull over and take in the day. Riding offers an out-of-mind experience that many prefer over passenger cars simply because they can feel the freedom.

When cars improperly pass motorcycles or simply don’t pay attention, motorcyclists go from freedom to ER in seconds. We’re JML Law, APLC, the Anaheim motorcycle accident attorney armed with years of accident defense, and we’ll fight for riders like you.

Injuries can be minor, like road rash or severe, leading to death or dismemberment. If you’re representing a lost loved one, we’ll fight even harder to make sure the motorcyclist lost by another’s negligence gets every dime he’d want you to have.

Motorcycle Accidents In California Increase Yearly

Fatalities stemming from motorcycle accidents amassed 5,000 in 2015, increasing from 4,548 the prior year. Representing 17% of all roadway fatalities in California during 2015, the 20-29-year-old demographic seems to fall victim to motorcycle deaths more than others despite California requiring safety helmets. Could these fatalities decrease with mandatory ABS, which is required in European Union Countries?

JML Law, APLC, guided by an Anaheim motorcycle accident attorney, follows civil procedures in holding at-fault parties accountable for preventable motorcycle accidents. Safety helmets do lessen the impact with asphalt, but aren’t perfect; high-speed accidents can easily crack helmets, but those that don’t can still cause spinal injuries and broken limbs.

Other negligent motorcyclists can cause serious injury to innocent riders, and we can leverage California laws to better position victims to settle their claims. These accidents happen within a moment’s notice, having far more devastating outcomes than regular vehicle accidents, especially when speeds reach highway limits.

Semis, passenger cars, farming implements, and even debris dumped by California’s Highway Department can cause motorcycles to flip or skid. These accidents seem avoidable but aren’t when they happen so quickly.

JML Law, APLC, A Motorcyclist’s Advocate

Neck, spine, and brain injuries with varying levels of severity are almost imminent in motorcycle wrecks. This will force people into long, painful recoveries without income to cover medical expenses or daily needs. Some may never recover and will need permanent disability benefits, while survivors will need their losses recuperated, too.

Our firm understands each motorcycle accident has different impacts on those affected. Our Anaheim motorcycle accident attorney knows you’ll suffer irreparable damages in certain cases, while others may destroy your motorcycle but cause only minor injuries to you personally.

California laws protect motorcyclists like you. Our firm upholds legislation by compelling at-fault parties, their insurers, and even corporations to pay an amount equal to your incident and above if we feel your case would be given a larger award in court.

If you’ve been injured, there’s no better time to seek competent representation than now. We put your needs ahead of ours, taking personal injury cases on contingencies. Your consultation won’t cost, either. Accident victims have nothing to lose, yet we may gain plenty by negotiating settlements.

Get your questions answered.

Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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