Every day, sports injuries happen to kids and adults due to a myriad of varying conditions, factors, and personal circumstances. Addressing the root causes and kinds of injuries that happen are important when considering the future safety of an individual. JML Law is here to provide the information that you and your family need when practicing sports, while additionally providing experienced Los Angeles sports injury attorneys in the case that you need legal assistance.
Most Common Causes Of Sports Injuries In Southern California
While there are many reasons why a sports injury may happen, some causes are more common than others. Knowing the factors behind injuries that happen on the court or field may better prepare you and your loved ones for injury prevention.
- Improper rehabilitation practices: Therapists have a duty to properly treat and take care of their patients. Like other healthcare professionals, this duty of care is oftentimes written into contracts and facility policies. It is additionally the duty of the rehabilitate to follow the advice of professionals and take care of their injury.
- Overuse: Some individuals participating in high volumes of sport-related activity may experience overuse. This is especially common in youth and professionals, whose coaches and organizations demand high amounts of training that can overstress or overwork basic physiologic functions of the human body.
- Poor equipment: The use of equipment is critical to the improvement of an athlete. Gyms, outdoor equipment, clothing, guards, and other types of products are designed to accommodate rough use and activity. In some cases, these products fail and lead to the injury of the user.
- Failure to incorporate holistic training regimens: In some cases, training programs fail to provide a balanced approach to muscle strengthening, balance, and other physical improvements. If a coach or trainer fails to include exercises that balance out the physical condition of an athlete, it may lead to injury.
- Ignorance to dangerous conditions: One of the final examples of the most common causes of sports injury is the failure to recognize dangerous conditions in which one is practicing or performing. If a sports practitioner fails to accommodate based on weather conditions, hydration levels, nutrition levels, injury conditions, or other factors, they may be putting themselves in the path of physical jeopardization.
Frequent Types Of Sports Injuries
Most sports practitioners experience an injury in their athletic careers. These can vary in severity and may produce different levels of pain, stress, and mental duress, depending on the individual that experiences them. In any case, most sports injuries fall under one of two categories.
Overuse or strained injuries present themselves over long periods of time, usually after repetitive training. This category includes tendonitis, shin splints, stress fractures, and more. These must be addressed sooner rather than later to avoid long-term consequences and may be hard to detect as anything from running or throwing a football may produce them.
The second type of sports injury is an acute traumatic injury. These types of wounds are presented in the form of breakages, fractures, concussions, lacerations, sprains, and strains. Falling on the ski hill or getting hit by another’s forearm in a rugby match are two instances in which the injury would be classified as one that is acutely traumatic.
The Premier Sports Injury Firm Of Los Angeles
JML Law is a well-established law firm operating in southern California. Experienced and passionate in personal injury law, our Los Angeles sports injury attorneys are ready to secure you the compensation you deserve following an accident. Please contact us by clicking here or calling us at 818-610-8800 at your earliest convenience for a free case evaluation.