

Don’t Be Rude To Your Employer, As This Could Ruin Your Wrongful Termination Case

By: JML Law | May 1, 2018.
Don’t Be Rude To Your Employer, As This Could Ruin Your Wrongful Termination Case

No matter how tempting it may be to finally tell your employer what you really think about him or her, remain calm and self-possessed when communicating with your boss. Even if you are on the brink of being terminated or have been wrongfully terminated.

“But what does it have to do with the success of my wrongful termination case?” you may be wondering. Well, let our Los Angeles wrongful termination attorney explain by reviewing the following example.

Why being rude to your boss is a huge mistake

Let’s assume that your employer engages in discriminatory conduct toward you on the basis of your gender, race, national origin, age, or any other protected characteristic. Or let’s say that your employer is pissed at you for claiming workers compensation benefits for your work-related injury or he found out that you were the whistleblower who notified authorities about certain illegal activities in the workplace.

Whatever the case, you are certain that it is only a matter of time before you get fired for a petty reason or no reason at all. Sure, you have a valid reason to be angry with your employer, but no matter what happens – if you truly want to succeed in wrongful termination lawsuit against the employer – do NOT be rude to your employer.

What it means for your wrongful termination lawsuit

Many employees who fear retaliation or fear losing their job tend to get frustrated, they have an uncontrollable desire to vent and say what is on their minds to make themselves feel better. That often results in insults, rudeness, offensive language, and even threats in angry emails and voicemails to their employer.

But here is what you have to understand: when you do get terminated and will be about to file a wrongful termination lawsuit against your employer, you will suddenly realize that your employer is claiming your rude communication and unprofessional behavior as one of the reasons (or even the primary reason) for terminating your employment.

If that happens, you will face a tough burden of proof to show evidence that the real reason for your firing was not your rude communication or unprofessional and unacceptable behavior. Had you not sent those angry voicemails and emails to your boss, you would have been proving that your employer discriminated or retaliated against you or had any other illegal reason to fire you.

Do not ruin your wrongful termination case

With your employer having solid evidence proving your rude communication and unprofessional behavior – emails, voicemails, etc. – it may be impossible to prove wrongful termination in your case. Unless, of course, you are being represented by an experienced wrongful termination attorney in Los Angeles who will be able to establish the real reason for your firing.

It may seem that being rude to your boss or getting angry at him or she is justified because he or she has been unfair to you, but thinking that you can badmouth your employer and get away with it can actually play a cruel joke on your chances of winning the wrongful termination lawsuit.

Therefore, if you have even a tiny reason to believe that your employer is about to fire you for an illegal reason, do NOT leave behind any traces of rude communication or unprofessional behavior if you want to succeed in your efforts of suing the employer later on. Yes, this also includes NOT badmouthing your employer in front of your coworkers or talking to them about your plans to sue the boss.

Want to talk Talk to our wrongful termination attorney

If you need to talk to someone and discuss your case, talk to a Los Angeles wrongful termination attorney. Here at JML Law, our lawyers will discuss the prospects of your case during a free consultation and come up with a strong legal strategy to prove that you were wrongfully terminated. Call our offices at 818-610-8800 or send us an email.

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