

New Law Sees California’s Independent Contractors Secure Employee Rights

By: JML Law | April 28, 2018.
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While the gig economy has many advantages, it also allows unscrupulous employers to take advantage of workers seeking to earn a decent wage in return for a day’s work. Drivers for ride-sharing services such as Uber and Lyft, for example, have long complained about being in a kind of no man’s land where they are unable to set their own rates, or decide which ride requests to accept, whilst also being forced to work without the benefits offered to employees. In a move which is sure to be welcomed by those working within the ever-expanding gig economy, a California Supreme Court ruling on April 30 has made it more difficult for employers to inaccurately classify their employees as independent contractors in an attempt to absolve themselves of responsibility.

As a 2016 study carried out by Harvard and Princeton University economists indicated that some 12.5 million people, or 8.4% of the United States workforce, were classified as independent contractors, the effects of this new legislation could be far-reaching. While services such as Uber and Lyft are likely to be affected, first of all, the changes will have an impact across all employment sectors, bringing benefits such as minimum wage, overtime, rest breaks, and more to millions of workers who should always have been treated as employees. Of course, some employers may choose to delay reclassifying their independent contractors and take the risk of being hit with hefty fines but, for the most part, this is excellent news for many workers across California.

Are You Involved in a Dispute Regarding Wages and Working Hours JML Law Could Help

Even if you have been correctly classified as an employee, there is no guarantee that your employer will act in an entirely ethical and responsible manner. Numerous employees in Los Angeles, California, and across the United States are currently involved in disputes relating to their wages, overtime payments, working hours, and other aspects of their contracts. If you can identify with this, you could benefit from the services of a Los Angeles wage and hour issues attorney.

An attorney from JML Law can help you with any type of wage and hour issue, with some of the categories we regularly handle successfully including:

  1. Forcing employees to work off the clock
  2. Forcing employees to alter their timesheets to avoid paying overtime
  3. Failure to pay employees adequately for overtime worked
  4. Misclassifying employees – as will be tackled by the incoming changes in legislation
  5. Prohibiting employees from taking adequate breaks
  6. Failure to allow employees to take a reasonable vacation
  7. Paying employees with out-of-state checks

Wage and hour issues can take many forms, however, and this is just a brief overview of what an attorney could fight on your behalf.

Put an End to Your Wage and Hours Dispute Today with a Los Angeles Attorney

If you are experiencing any kind of issue with your wages and working hours, you could benefit from the legal knowledge and expertise of a Los Angeles attorney. To discuss the specifics of your case, and how best to proceed, call us today on 818-610-8800 to schedule your free consultation.

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