

How to Address Police Misconduct

By: JML Law | February 24, 2021.
How to Address Police Misconduct

If we saw something suspicious or dangerous at a young age, we were told to find a police officer or some authority. Or we would call 911. Yet, as we grew older, we discovered that not every person in a police uniform is kind or follows the rules. Like any human, they are bound to make a mistake or take advantage of the power of the blue suit. You will rarely find an attorney who suggests NOT talking to the authorities, but if you are a victim of police misconduct, our police misconduct attorney at JML Law is telling you to do just that.

Common Types of Police Misconduct

This past year has been an active year for protesting as profound moments have occurred, such as George Floyd’s death in Michigan. Protests emerged around the United States, including here in Los Angeles. Advocates of all ages took the streets wearing masks and carrying voices of pain. As protestors did their best to advocate for the lives of black people mistreated by the police, the police force seemed to be on edge as people walked by with signs and chants showing their growing concern.

From the news, we know that not all of the protests were peaceful. Some were greeted with rubber bullets, while others were beaten for no other reason than choosing to be vocal about a legitimate pattern of behavior. As of June 2020, the LA Police Department is investigating 56 allegations of police misconduct. Of those 56, 28 include some kind of force. At the start of the investigations, seven officers were asked to leave the field pending investigations.

If you are an active protestor, you know the risk of entering such heated situations. It is to be expected that at some point, the police or authority may attack or retaliate. Although this is a kind of police misconduct, there are other kinds of police misconduct:

  • Coerced confessions
  • False arrest
  • False imprisonment
  • Falsification of evidence
  • Police perjury
  • Witness tampering
  • Racial profiling
  • Unwarranted surveillance
  • Unwarranted searches
  • Abuse of authority
  • Sexual assault
  • Sexual favors in exchange for leniency
  • Wrongful conviction

4 Ways to Address Police Misconduct

If you are a victim of police misconduct, our police misconduct attorneys have four tips to help:

  1. Do NOT go to the police for help
  2. Do NOT plead guilty to any crime
  3. Do NOT make a recorded statement
  4. Speak with one of our attorneys

Unfortunately, police misconduct is a tricky topic that requires an attorney’s professional help as we are equipped to investigate and initiate such conversations with authority. Even though there are good people on the force, some people should never be in uniform. If you or someone you love has experienced some type of police conduct, we have over 35 years of experience waiting to be used to help you. Do not hesitate. You can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling us at 818-610-8800.

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