

Riverside Pedestrian Regulations

By: JML Law | March 15, 2021.
Riverside Pedestrian Regulations

Roads are not just for drivers. Residents and local politicians fight hard for bike paths and walkways to ensure that people have transportation choices. Not everyone wants to drive a car. Some would rather bike or walk instead of paying a monthly car payment. Unfortunately, drivers don’t always consider others when using the roadways. Our Pedestrian Accident Attorneys at JML Law in Riverside are very passionate about helping those hurt by a vehicle. We are an experienced group of attorneys ready to fight for you.

Reviewing Riverside Pedestrian Regulations

Just like a motor vehicle, pedestrians must abide by the rules and regulations of the roadway.  If you choose to walk to your destination, some rules and regulations apply to you too. Our pedestrian accident attorneys at JML Law want to remind our readers of some common rules that pedestrians need to consider when choosing to walk:

  • 10.40.010 – City Traffic Engineer to designate crosswalks and establish safety zones.
    • Basically, city engineers have the right to create, change, or takeaway signs, designators, marks, or lines that tell people where to walk. Suppose a crosswalk looks different due to obvious barricades or cones. In that case, it is safe to assume that an engineer has changed it for a reason, and you are responsible for following those changes as reasonably possible.
  • 10.40.020 – Obedience of pedestrians to railroad signals
    • Pedestrians are to follow railroad signs like any other vehicle, including bicycles or motorcycles.
  • 10.40.040 – Pedestrians in roadways
    • People who choose to walk the roadways cannot stand in a road and ask for a ride, money, employment, or business from any person in a vehicle.
  • 10.40.050 – Pedestrians must use crosswalks.
    • Unless a sign says otherwise, People who choose to walk must follow marked crossroads. If there isn’t a marked crosswalk, you should look for the closer walking sign to safely use the roadways.

Rules and regulations are created to ensure safety. In Riverside, pedestrians need to pay extra care when walking on, near, or beside roadways. However, even if you aren’t using the road according to a specific regulation, it doesn’t mean that you are at fault.

California is a Comparative Fault State

A comparative fault state means that liability can be split between all involved parties. This means that if you didn’t use the crosswalk the right way and were hit by a car, there is still a chance that the vehicle was partially at fault. That is why it is important to arrange a free consultation with our pedestrian accident attorneys at JML Law. We are here to assess your situation and fiercely advocate for your needs. From it not being your fault to maybe just a little bit, our attorneys are here to help you get the relief and compensation you need. You can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling us at 818-610-8800.

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