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NFL Sports Injuries Are Inevitable, Yet Compensatable

By: JML Law | October 12, 2017.
NFL Sports Injuries Are Inevitable, Yet Compensatable

NFL is officially the most hazardous sport out there. So expecting an injury when playing football is the same as expecting thunder on a rainy day.

Even if it strikes you just once, it can leave you injured or disabled for the rest of your life.

If playing football is something you do for a living or are planning to do for a living in the future, injuries can take away your income or shatter your dreams of becoming a professional football player one day.

One thing can be said for certain: sports injuries are inevitable in the NFL.

Whether you’re playing for Los Angeles Rams or are just starting out as a football player in college, know this: you can pursue compensation for your injuries and use that compensation to fully recover from your injury.

Have you been injured while playing football and aren’t sure if you can get compensated for it? Call JML Law’s Los Angeles offices at 818-610-8800 or email us to consult with a sports injury attorney about your particular case.

JML Law can help you obtain compensation for the most common NFL injuries, including but not limited to:

Leg/knee injuries (50.4%)
Leg/knee injuries can include hamstring injuries, strained groin, contusion, broken legs, sprained/torn ACL, torn Meniscus, and sprained/torn MCL.

Note: Meniscus tears are caused by rotating or twisting the knee forcefully.

Shoulder/arm injuries (16.9%)
Shoulder/arm injuries can include shoulder separation or dislocation as well as broken bones or sprains.

Back/spine injuries (11.9%)
Back/spine injuries can include herniated discs, caused by repetitive motion or trauma, and spinal cord concussions.

Ankle/foot injuries (9.1%)
Ankle/foot injuries can include high ankle sprain, turf toe, and other sprains.

Concussions (7.4%)
Concussions can vary in severity: mild, moderate, and severe, which can usually take up to 4+ weeks of recovery.

Note: Untreated concussions can result in permanent brain damage. In this case, you should consult a Los Angeles sports injury attorney to maximize your compensation.

Neck injuries (4.3%)
Neck injuries usually include stingers and are the least common injuries in NFL.

Fact: 96% of all NFL players suffer from chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), which can cause memory loss, depression, and even dementia.

What should you do after an NFL injury

Whether you’re a pro NFL player or an amateur football player playing for college, it’s essential to determine liability in your particular case.

Many football players tend to blame themselves for the injury, thus rejecting the opportunity to get compensated for their injuries and damages.

Many sports injuries are caused by the negligence of others, which is why it’s vital to hire an unbiased sports injury attorney to investigate your particular case.

You can get compensation for your pain and suffering, medical expenses, damages, and lost wages if your sports injury occurred due to any of the following:

  1. unmaintained fields/courts.
  2. defective sports/gym equipment.
  3. poorly maintained equipment.
  4. lack of qualified medical personnel on staff.
  5. inadequate supervision or coaching.

Seek help from our Los Angeles sports injury attorney to establish the value of your sports injury claim and determine the liability of your injury.

Don’t hesitate to call JML Law today at 818-610-8800 to get a free initial consultation before it’s too late to build a case.

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