

Protecting your children from abuse

By: JML Law | August 10, 2017.
Protecting your children from abuse

Children are exposed to so many dangers out there. While being exposed to a few dangers can’t hurt anyone, parents need to have a talk with their children about difficult topics such as child abuse. Communication is essential to avoiding such dangerous scenarios. With over three million reports of child abuse being filed each year, perhaps it’s time parents instruct their children about what to do if they are ever abused. A Los Angeles child abuse and sexual assault attorney will know what to do in such cases.

What constitutes child abuse

This is when children are either neglected or harmed by someone responsible for their care. Whether physical or emotional, victims can seek legal protection and financial compensation for all their losses. Sometimes it’s possible to avoid these incidents before they occur. The sooner you contact an attorney the more chances to prevent others from suffering similar circumstances.

Physical and emotional abuse

Physical abuse refers to corporal punishment. It often happens when people taking care of the children are too stressed out. Drug and alcohol are one of the most common contributing factors for child abuse. Children can suffer severe injuries such as :

  1. Bruises
  2. Broken bones
  3. Burns
  4. Abrasions

It’s important to notice that minor injuries are part of growing up but they are usually in the shins, elbows and in the knees. When children have injuries in unexpected parts of the body chances are they suffered physical abuse.

Emotional abuse is more subtle but very harmful to children as well. Whether through ridiculement, rejection, being blamed, or expecting too much from them, children may feel unable to meet such expectations and may also feel they are not good enough.

Useful advice

These steps can help protect your children from abuse:

  1. Encourage your kids to share their whereabouts – Children don’t know what they are supposed to do in such situations. They are expected to trust adults. How can they run away from them? It’s a confusing topic to explain to them. Using simple terms like telling a story can help them understand it better.
  2. Educate yourself as a parent about what’s happening out there. Get familiar with common tactics used by abusers.
  3. The red flags – Remember abusers may seem friendly at first but they are actually deceiving. Look out for any strange behavior that clearly shows your children should not hang out with them
  4. Know where your children go and make sure they are accompanied by a chaperone.
  5. Teach your children that people they trust can sometimes hurt them and it’s not okay.
  6. If the unfortunate already happened the sooner you take your children to therapy the better chances they have of recovering.

Take action

Child abuse is not always obvious. You need to contact the police as soon as possible if this ever happens to your children. A Los Angeles child abuse and sexual assault attorney can also help you take proper action. Call us today and allow us to protect your family’s legal rights.

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