

What To Do In A Car Accident

By: JML Law | February 8, 2019.
What To Do In A Car Accident

The worst feeling is to look at a strange number calling your phone knowing that you need to pick it up. Have you ever felt that way or been through that experience? It is late or midday and your phone ring at an unexpected time from a local number and you just know that you need to pick it up. Or you get a call from your child or sibling or parent at the time that they wouldn’t normally call, but you just feel it in your stomach that something is wrong. Usually when you answer the call goes something like this, “Hey [name] don’t freak out, but I was just in a car accident and I need your help. As hard as those words are to hear, thankfully you are hearing it from their own voice and not from the police officers. Those calls are chilling because typically if the police are calling it is because your loved one can’t.

Car accidents are terrifying. Even though cars have dominated our roads for over 100 years, it doesn’t get any easier being in an accident or hear that your loved one was in an accident. If you haven’t been into a car accident, or if you have, it is good to learn or refresh yourself on what to do after an accident and the importance of consulting an attorney.

First, what to do after an accident:

  1. Call 911 if you or other persons are experiencing injuries. Most accidents cause neck, back, or head injuries. If you feel as if you are in pain or the potential for pain then do not hesitate to call 911.
  2. Call the police. If you don’t call 911 then try to call the non-emergency number to tell the police that there was an accident
  3. Do not admit fault. Let the police write the report and do their thing. Do not try to interfere.
  4. Exchange names, insurance information, or other information with the drivers that are involved.
  5. Take pictures as well as names and statements from witnesses. Getting information from other people and perspective is helpful when trying to discern fault as well as figuring out what happened.
  6. Call an attorney

Why is it important to hire a Car Accident Attorney

We are your number one advocate. Our Los Angeles car accident attorney at JML Law has heard almost every kind of car accident. We understand that accidents happen and that it takes two to cause a crash. We also understand that insurance companies are out for their bottom line. They may be in the business of ensuring people, but that doesn’t mean that they are willing to genuinely serve the people. Let our Car Accident Attorneys negotiate for you. Let us represent your situation to ensure that you get justly compensated. Call 818-610-8800 or click here to learn how we can help you because we know that you shouldn’t have to go through this alone.

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