

Negligence in Wrongful Death

By: JML Law | February 7, 2019.
Negligence in Wrongful Death

There are certain times in life when one has their breath taken away. Those times are categorized into weddings or births or new job opportunities, you know, the happy times. However, what people tend to forget is that death can also take your breath away. Much like pregnancies, deaths aren’t always planned. But I bet 10 out of 10 that people would much rather be surprised by pregnancy than would a death. So what happens when you receive the news that a loved one has died due to the negligence, recklessness, or willfulness of some person or party? You grieve, and while you grieve, you seek justice.

Our Long Beach wrongful death attorney at JML Law, APLC, shares our condolences if you are searching for ways to seek justice for your loved one. Wrongful death civil suits are one of those things you don’t really know about if you aren’t in the legal community unless you have to make a claim. Our Wrongful Death Attorneys at JML Law, APLC, understand that retelling a traumatic experience is difficult. When you reach out to our attorneys, we believe in free consultation to share your story. All meetings are held in a safe and comfortable environment. Rest assured your story will be heard by empathetic ears. We also believe that cases should be filed in a contingency policy. This means that we do not collect unless you do. We do this to let you assure you that you are our priority and that we will do all we can to ensure that you get proper representation and compensation.

What To Expect

When filing a wrongful death suit, you are choosing to represent the loved one who has passed. You are fighting for compensation for lost wages, future wages, funeral expenses, medical costs, lost companionship, and pain and suffering. Insurance companies may try to tell you that their settlement offer is all that the policy will allow. They will try to contact you while you are still vulnerable, but like any other business, insurance company settlements are negotiable. There is no rule book that says this is the only amount for someone who dies in this way. Do not be fooled by their offer.

Also, do not be tricked into thinking that because your loved one is partially at fault for the death, you or your family are not entitled to just compensation. In work-related death, discerning who was at fault is a non-issue. Even if your loved one was partially responsible, you are still entitled to compensation comparable to the fault. Our Wrongful Death Attorneys know that your grief will be a lifetime. We know that we cannot bring your loved one back to you, but we can ensure that you are fairly compensated. We are proud to stand by your side and advocate for you so that you can try and rebuild a life after trauma. Call 818-610-8800 or click here to start a free consultation with JML Law, APLC today.

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